BIOTECHNOLOGY MCQs TEST 2014 1. Ti plasmid of Agro bacterium is - TopicsExpress


BIOTECHNOLOGY MCQs TEST 2014 1. Ti plasmid of Agro bacterium is used A. To make transgenic Plants B. to make transgenic animals C. to make transgenic bacteria D. to make human with foreign genes E. all of these 2. Complementary DNA is a A. Single stranded DNA called DNA probe B. DNA molecules free from introns C. single stranded DNA molecule synthesized by using reverse transcriptase on mRNA D. it is plasmid of E.coli bacteria E. both b and c 3. Can be used as vector A. Plasmid & phage virus B. plasmid & bacteria C. Bacteria & plant D. all of these 4. Transgenic organisms are unique in A. Because they are multicellular B. because they having foreign genes C. with extra ordinary genotype D. they are used for treatment of diseases E. they are formed by cloning and tissue culture 5. In animals this hormone is used to increase milk and meat production A. clotting factor VIII B. insulin C. BGH (bovine growth hormone) D. erythropoietin E. both b and c 6. SCID, a disease can be cured by Gene therapy is due to the deficiency of A. ADA enzyme B. Insulin C. Glucagon D. Dystrophin E. Ligase enzyme 7. It is a collection of genetic information of species in a preferred environment called A. Genomic library B. gene therapy C. genetic counseling D. gene sequencing 8. Unifactorial defects are A. Caused by single gene or gene pair B. many genes along with additive effects C. chromosomal abnormalities D. type of gene mutations E. can not be treated by gene therapy 9. Guidance procedure which predict about reoccurrence of genetical disorder in the family, which already having downs syndrome in few family members A. Gene therapy B. genetic counseling C. multifactorial defects D. genetic engineering 10. It is a bio technique product used in the blood clotting to treat hemophiliac patients A. Insulin B. Bovine growth hormone C. factor VIII protein D. Lactoferin 11. Which of the following is a diagnostic procedure, in which small amount of amnion is taken A. Amniocentesis B. SCID C. gene therapy D. embryo culture E. both a and c 12. rDNA for further multiplication inserted into ………….. host A. DNA B. plasmid C. Bacteria D. plant E. animal 13. A method in which nucleotide sequence of gene is also determined by cutting gene into pieces A. Genomic library B. gene sequencing C. DNA finger printing D. genetic counseling E. all of these 14. How much percentage of DNA does not code for proteins used in DNA finger printing A. 30 % B. 35 % C. 55 % D. 20 to 40 % E. 80% 15. Enzyme which is used to cut the DNA unto fragments A. Restriction enzyme B. Ligase enzyme C. reverse transcriptase enzyme D. DNA polymerase E. both a and c 16. It is a DNA molecule that have foreign genes A. Plasmid B. cDNA C. rDNA D. bacteriophage E. all of these 17. Two fragments of DNA from two different organisms are joined together with the help of ………… enzyme A. Restriction enzyme B. Ligase enzyme C. reverse transcriptase enzyme D. DNA polymerase 18. It is a single stranded DNA molecule having radioactive nucleotides easily binds with our choice gene A. Plasmid DNA B. cDNA C. rDNA D. DNA probe E. DNA polymerase 19. Not related with Huntington’s disease A. Autosomal dominant allele present on chromosome 4 B. most of the infected individual are heterozygous C. appearance of symptoms delayed until the age of 40 or 50 D. most of the normal individuals are homozygous recessive E. none of these 20. Identify matching A. Somatic embryos ----------- seed embryos B. in anther culture ------------- tissue culture of generative cell C. natural cloning ------------ duplicate copies of cell D. hepatitis – B vaccine ------------ rDNA product E. autosomal recessive allele ------------- causes multifactorial defects 21. Non coding DNA regions of eukaryotic genes which are not expressed by bacterial cells during gene cloning A. Introns B. Ti plasmid C. human insulin gene D. exon E. both a and d 22. How we shall identify that bacteria having plasmid with foreign genes or not, by using medium that we have used for the growth of bacteria? A. Bacteria can’t grow on medium because it having ampicillin B. bacteria can grow and convert X-gal to yield blue colouration by producing B- galactosidase C. bacteria can grow and convert X-gal to yield white colouration and can’t produce B- galactosidase D. all of these E. none of these 23. The treatment of genetical disorders by replacement or supplement the defective allele with normal or functional gene is called A. diagnosis B. transgenesis C. treatment D. gene therapy E. genetic counseling 24. Eukaryotic gene cannot be cloned directly inside plasmid with in host bacterial cell because ………. A. It having coding part of DNA B. it having non coding part of DNA C. because it is a DNA segment D. because it having introns E. both 25. Construction of a recombinant DNA involves A. Cleaving DNA with restriction endonuclease and joining with ligase B. cleaving DNA with ligase and joining with endonuclease C. cleaving and joining DNA with restriction endonuclease D. cleaving DNA with restriction endonuclease and joining with polymerase
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 08:52:28 +0000

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