BLUE PEARL BLUE GODS BLUE APPLES BLUE BLOODS LE-POULPE,THE OCTOPUS BLUE INK quintessentialpublications/twyman/?page_id=17 One of the foremost clues in the Rennes-le-Chateau mystery is the Blanchefort tombstone. On the sides of the stone, as we know, the message “Et in Arcadia Ego” is inscribed, using a mixture of Greek and Latin letters. Potential interpretations of this phrase are analyzed at length in the Dagobert’s Revenge article “The Real Meaning of ‘Et in Arcadia Ego’.” It is also interesting that the word “ark” is used in certain apocryphal accounts of the life of Cain to denote the region to which Cain and his descendants were banished by God, and its location was said to be in the center of the Earth. And the word “Arcadia” applies to the Greek notion of Paradise and the Golden Age, while the word “Etin” (the first four letters in the phrase) was once an alternate spelling of “Eden,” the Judeo-Christian notion of Paradise and the Golden Age. But on the Blanchefort tombstone, the message actually reads: “Et in Arx Adia Ego.” The words “Arx” and “Adia” are separated so as to emphasize “Arx.” This word, in Latin, means “a fortress, citadel, or stronghold.” Thus, this message may be specifically referring to a man-made structure, perhaps a temple, buried beneath Rennes-le-Chateau. This leads us directly to the message “Reddis Regis Cellis Arcis” in the center of the stone. The word “Reddis” is supposed by most researchers to be derived from the old name of Rennes, which was once called “Rhedis,” “Redis,” or “Rhedae.” Meanwhile, “Rennes” means “reins,” and may perhaps be a name derived from the belief that Cain was imprisoned or shackled within the Arka. But “reddis” is also a Latin word meaning “you return” or “you restore,” from which the French “rendre” and the English “render” are derived. “Regis” means “royal,” “Cellis” means “a basement or cave,” and “Arcis” means the same thing as “Arx”: a fortress, or an “ark,” in the sense of a box or enclosure. Thus the statement being made here is “Return to (or ‘restore’) the Cave of the Royal Ark.” The words at the bottom of the stone, “Prae-Cum,” imply the notion of “before time,” or “the time before,” indicating the Golden Age. The octopus symbol below it, as we have learned from the Priory of Sion itself, represents “the primitive solar religion of Atlantis” – that it, the primeval religious tradition that defined the Golden Age. Even the person whose grave the stone was supposedly made for, Marie de Negre de Blanchefort, whose name means “Black Marie of the White Fort,” appears to be used in this context as a symbol of the goddess archetype of Isis, queen of the Golden Age.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 19:45:36 +0000

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