BOER PEOPLE CLAIM AND DEMAND TO LEADERS AND ORGANIZATIONS OF THE WORLD whitenationnetwork/paper/archives/14480 THIS IS A CALL TO REDRESS SOUTH AFRICA ( Just as a pre-log for those that do not know the history of South-Africa: The two Boer Republics- Transvaal and the Free State- was sovereign Republics that belonged to the Boer Nation- cart and transport of ownership. Lord Buller- representing the invaders of the Crown- and Genl. Louis Botha and Jan Smuts- two yellow tail paid usurpers to act on “behalf” of the Boers ( they factually were two liberal traitors )- signed for the creation of the “Republic of South Africa”- an illegal document for the illegal creation of a illegal “Republic”- and furthermore- INCLUDED the two independant Republics- who NEVER even WAS the property of either the Crown or Botha and Smuts in the first instance and they had no right to decide the fate of two independant states that was NOT under their control- into their newly formed “Republic”- thus stealing lawfull land from the Boers. -( No real Boer leaders like Genl. Koos De La Rey was even present)The Crown and their Zionist cohorts then created the National Party- to be the so-called “Government” of their illegal state- the “Republic of South Africa”- a British invention. As the years go by the Crown – through their henchmen in the National Party- obtained the rights to all mineral recources in South Africa- as it still is the case today- and since that illegal stunt they pulled with the forming of their “Republic”- they still are stealing recoeurces and gold rightfully belonging to the Boers. Very eery is it that the same scrupulous British demanded compensation from the German people for the Holocast during the second world war- but- in contrast- these same lame brained Rothschild mad mongers in Britain NEVER paid ONE single penny compensation to the Boer people for the theft and human attrocities against hapless women and children the Crown commited against the Boer nation during the two wars they fought against the Boers . Furthermore was the National Party an illegal party created by the Crown to look after their own interests while they rob the Boers from their inheritance- for NO real Boer leader was present at any of these meetings or agreed to hand over the two Boer republics to the Crown for incorporation into their newly formed “Republic.” As the dubious National Party illehgally ruled- so did they- again- illegaly handed over power to the illegal ANC ratpack commies to again- illegally rule over the Boer republics….as it is today. The Boers are still the rightfull owners of that two Boer Republics and want to cecede from the corrupt Zionist controlled “New South Africa.” -Ed) The Union of South Africa in 1910 was illegal, and so has been every government handed down by succession by the British Crown. We thank all those who have shared their knowledge with us, on which we substantiate our claim. FOR THE ATTENTION OF: ALL PEOPLE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COURTS WORLD WIDE AND FOR HAND DELIVERY TO: THE UNITED NATIONS SECURITY COUNCIL New York, and THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE The Hague And THE INTERNATIONAL COMMON LAW OF JUSTICE ITCCS Brussels WITH COPIES TO THE ATTENTION OF: The Prosecutor, International Criminal Court, The HAGUE, Reference Number: OTP-CR-146/08, Snowy Smith, Fair Civil Law, 7th April 2008. AND FOR ATTENTION TO THE SECURITY COUNCIL: Permanent Mission of France to the United Nations Russian Federation; Brazil; Colombia; Gabon; Germany; India; Lebanon; Nigeria; Portugal AND COPIES TO THE SIGNATORIES OF THE GENEVA CONVENTION AS MENTIONED AT THE END, AS WELL AS OTHER CONCERNED PARTIES, OF PARTICULAR INTEREST TO THOSE PERSONS WHO SUPPORT FREEDOM AND JUSTICE FOR ALL. FROM THE INDEPENDENCE COMMISSION AFRICA NGO SOUTH Africa REDRESS OF SOUTH AFRICA We, as persons, and friends of the people of Southern Africa, also herein represented by the Independence Commission Africa NGO, see Attachment 1 – Independence Commission Africa: Who we are; are in discussion and invite discussion with local and international traditional leaders, organizations and political parties on an ongoing basis to call upon our right, as discussed in Attachment 2: Our Right; and as specified in the Treaties and Protocols of the Geneva Convention, with reference to the International Criminal Court; as specified by the Geneva Convention Agreement againstTorture on February 4, 1985, which was open for signatories at The United Nations Headquarters in New York; and specified in the Constitution of South Africa dated 1994;for (i) Intervention by the United Nations Security Council to apply universal jurisdiction through an International Criminal Court to consider and support our demands, and- (ii) For consideration by the International Court of Justice, to support the establishment of stability within the country of South Africa by allowing for the prosecution of any entities or persons found obstructing the course of peaceful negotiation in South Africa during its transitional period wherein the citizens inside South Africa regain their freedom, their possessions, and the right to their land, and – (iii) The investigation by the International Common Law Court of all procedures taken by all relevant parties in the establishment of the rights of South Africans, both local and abroad, and to apply corrective structures where it deems necessary. We have evidence that: (i) Through human atrocities, the land of Southern Africa was annexed illegally by the British Crown (also known as the City of London) and her affiliations (also known as the rulers of elite money power which includes the papacy of the Vatican, the Rockefeller Foundation and its various affiliates, the Anglo American conglomerate power house, the Rothschild dynasty House of Lords and their various branches), hereinafter collectively referred to as the Crown; and to be directly responsible for the deaths of millions of southern Africans, during various and ongoing operations since 1652, including the deaths of women, children, the elderly and the handicapped of all colours in British concentration camps inside South Africa after 1900, with the purpose to enrich members of the Crown by absorbing the assets, land and wealth of southern Africans, and, in the dominant capacity with money power, of which a large portion has been taken out from the country of South Africa during the past two centuries, the Crown has, and does, declare war on other countries through her representatives to further her movement towards complete global power according her ideal of a New World Order. We discuss the establishment of the Crown in Attachment 3: The Crown. The direct connection of the affiliates of the Crown in the domestic affairs of southern Africa proves their joint responsibility of the injustices done to the lives of Southern Africans; Whereto we prove that: (ii) The Crown has a history of enriching itself through treachery and deceit, See Attachment 4: The Crown is a habitual perpetrator of Human Atrocities; (iii) Our land has been bound as a possession, both directly, and indirectly, by the Crown, through: · Interference in the political arena of southern Africa, see Attachment 5: Key Role Players in the wars against South Africans before the Union of South Africa, including Rhodes, Smuts, Milner; · Warfare against southern Africans which included the mass extermination of indigenous tribes for the creation of the Union of South Africa, see Attachment 6: War against southern Africans and mass extermination of indigenous tribes for the creation of the Union of South Africa; · Land annexed in southern Africa through deceit and murder plots, see Attachment 7: Land annexed and the colonies established by the Crown to form the Union of South Africa; · The introduction of legislature upon southern Africans through deceit, see Attachment 8: Final steps to complete the formation of the Union of South Africa for total annexation by the Crown; · The enforcement of illegal legislation on southern Africans without the approval of the majority of the people of the land, see Attachment 9: Objections to the formation of the Union of South Africa; · Keeping southern Africa in a constant state of turmoil, see Attachment 10: South Africa is bound as a possession by the Crown; · Using its affiliates to turn the people of southern Africa against each other in physical warfare, see Attachment 12: Zionists supported the pre-1994 reigning NP South African government and the anti-government movement; · Keeping control of the economic structures in South Africa, see Attachment 20: The Crown has kept control of the South African economy by keeping ownership of the South African Reserve Bank and the De Beers consortium. (iv) The Union of South Africa was established to annex all the land and wealth of South Africa, and was based on irregularities while establishing the South African Act of 1909, which led to an illegal Constitution. The basis on which the Constitution of South Africa was formulated, was, and still remains, flawed. South Africa has never had a legal government in its history, nor has it had a legal Constitution. See Attachment 28: South Africa carries an Illegal Constitution; (v) An ongoing genocide of the people of South Africa, and in particular, the Boer nation, has been perpetuated by the Crown, and this genocide deserves attention and rectification, which can only be done through support from the international community, see Attachment 15: The silent genocide of the Boer Nation in South Africa. (vi) An ongoing genocide is perpetrated on the nation of South Africa as a whole by the present regime, which was put in place by the Crown through illegal business dealings, see Attachment 17: The African National Congress in government. (vii) The Crown established a select elite ruling party in South Africa which has replaced each other by succession. The impact of elitist ruling parties has led to the ongoing poverty on the nation of South Africa in which gross neglect of human rights are prevalent, enforced and encouraged by the ruling governments on the nation, see Attachment 18: Impact of the Union of South Africa on the nation created a select elitist ruling society. What we demand: 1. We demand the implementation of human rights inside South Africa as laid out in International Law, International Maritime Law, International Common Law, as well as the existing Constitution of South Africa, to which the governing party has ascribed, as discussed in Attachment 2: Our Right. 2. Our demand for human rights within South Africa applies to South Africans as well as foreigners within the borders of South Africa, (see Attachment 21: Influx of Foreigners. ) 3. We demand safe living conditions for the people of South Africa. Safety in South Africa can only be achieved by the implementation of the following: · Order in South Africa is to be established and maintained by a system, or combination of systems, implemented by the people of South Africa in a manner which is suitable to their culture for moral fibre. Such systems have existed before the Crown enforced its government on South Africa, and is discussed in Attachment 13: Different systems of governance, with special reference to Omnitacy; · A balance in wealth is to be established in South Africa to eradicate poverty. Wealth which has been taken from the land illegally needs to be returned and redistributed to the South African community to uplift the poor. In consideration of the amount of wealth which has left the borders of South Africa since 1705, including the 200 000 pounds of diamonds which were extracted from the Kimberley hole alone, there should not be one South African going to bed hungry or homeless tonight. See Attachment 26 Economic debts of the Crown to South Africans; · Control of land in South Africa needs to be returned to the rightful owners of the land, which was taken from them illegally. See Attachment 19: The Right to Self Determination; · Atrocities committed against the lives of South Africans by the Crown are to be exposed for true healing of the nation to take place. See Attachment 27: Humanitarian atrocities committed by the Crown against Southern Africans; · The loss of lives of South Africans through warfare enforced on them by the Crown needs to be addressed to prevent any future repetition of such exploitation whereby lives are harvested for the reaping of wealth for the Crown. See Attachment 27: Humanitarian atrocities committed by the Crown against Southern Africans. What we need: We need immediate protection for the lives of people who live in South Africa; we need the restoration of the possessions of the indigenous people of South Africa to ensure the future stability of their safety; and we need international assistance to bring these changes about. It is clear that the people of Southern Africa have not got the means, power and expertise to bring these changes about by themselves, and that their struggle is against the influence of international powers which are strong enough to bring about world wars. South Africa needs a public Truth and Restitution Tribunal set up as a formal Court of Law inside South Africa, which is discussed in Attachment 23: The call for a Truth and Restitution Tribunal in South Africa. Such a Truth and Restitution Tribunal should be controlled by leaders of all the various indigenous nations and tribes of South Africa according to a Confederation System, the process of which can involve and be followed by all members of the public, whereby the following factors should also be attended to: (i) Immediate action be taken against the call for the destabilization of the South African economy by the Crown and their agents, including their supporters who engage in the daily attacks on the lives of people living in South Africa; (ii) Control of all land annexed by the Crown after 1900 is to be restored to the rightful inherent indigenous owners, who were legally in possession thereof in 1900, without respite; and where dual ownership thereof is proven, this should be recognized as such. All properties of the various states, kingdoms and kraals should be re-allocated according to the outlines of the various municipal territories already in place for control by their rightful owners; (iii) The illegal governance system of South Africa should be dissolved in an orderly and amicable manner to the economic progress of South Africa, to be replaced by an interim government of which their constitution carries a system whereby control can be shared, such as the Confederation system as offered by the Inkatha Freedom Party; until such time, and as the relevant tribes and communities in South Africa are prepared and able to take over control of their own territories to implement a system which supports all the various cultures of the areas inside South Africa, such as the system called Omnitacy. Clarity of all official matters with regard to the governance of all areas are to remain transparent to the relevant communities of concern, and the nation in general; (iv) That a Confederation system, which allows for the same structure of governance that had already existed between the different states that existed in South Africa before the illegal Union of South Africa was finalized in 1910, as well as any new form of governance a community may wish to use, be applied in South Africa, using the municipal areas already established to be incorporated to ensure progress, as we build on the foundations laid by the labour of our forefathers; (v) That the prison sentences of all existing political prisoners in South Africa are reconsidered by the Truth and Restitution Tribunal to be established in South Africa, and where unjust sentencing or treatment of any political prisoners by the judicial system is discovered, immediate compensation for such treatment is to be met by the state, to enable these people to carry on with their lives in a socially acceptable manner; With reference to the mining of the minerals in the land of South Africa, we call for a Mining Commission of South Africa be set up, with an affiliation to the Truth and Restitution Tribunal in South Africa, whereby the following factors are also to be addressed: (i) Atrocities against all indigenous tribes and nations in southern Africa created by the Crown, with particular reference to South Africans which have been destabilized for the establishment of the mining sector, as well as South Africans which have lost their lives and health due to the establishment and progress of the mining sectors within the borders of South Africa; (ii) All minerals taken from the land of South Africa by the Crown, has been taken without the explicit permission of the rightful owners of the land in South Africa, and should be considered as theft. All damage caused to the land by these industries should be assessed by the rightful owners of the land, in a professional manner, and the cost of such damages to be put onto the account of the relevant mining industries, in a time period not exceeding one year as to be set out by a South African Truth and Restitution Tribunal, and such damaged land should be restored, so as to ensure the safe living environment of the people of South Africa, which includes land fill of underground holes and in particular in the Reef Area where it is of extreme danger for people to live; (iii) All shares of illegal mining industries are to be sold to the public and otherwise, to the present international value of the mining industry, and the proceeds of such share investments are to be repaid to the purchasers thereof by the owners of the mining industries found to be in possession of these mining industries illegally, along with the interest rate as promised on such documentation, and this payment should be made immediately after such action is accepted as reasonable by the aforesaid Truth and Restitution Tribunal, but is not to exceed a time period of one year from the date of this document; (iv) All equipment and business properties, moveable or fixed, established for the purpose of mining, should be declared the rightful possession of the descendants of those to whom the land belonged in the year 1900, and be regarded as payment towards the use of the land by the mining industries and their business associates. To note, we do not envision any falter in the smooth operation of such mining industries, but do call for the immediate change of ownership thereof and for the possession thereof to be handed over to the rightful owners of such land. We suggest that a process of evaluation for the working of the mines should be re-established, and a system of remuneration for the workers on these mines be instigated based on a working environment danger related basis. All salary structures of workers in the mining industry should be reviewed and positions where strenuous, physical labour is required should be valued as of higher importance than that of white collar office positions. Furthermore, we suggest that tax benefits derived by the government of South Africa from these mines should be cut in half, and the difference thereof be funnelled to the pension funds, medical costs and other expenses of the workers of the mines and the upkeep of these workers and their dependents with immediate effect. 4. We regard the Cullinan Diamonds which were taken without permission from the people of South Africa by the representatives of the Crown, which included the leaders Jan Smuts and Prime Minister Botha, and given to the Crown, we call for a national Referendum to be called by which South Africans can decide what the repercussions of these deeds should be. Such stolen diamonds are discussed further in Attachment 22: Proclamation of the Peoples. Die Nieuwe Republiek, a country which was recognized as having full independence from South Africa, and which lost all its power due to the enforced signage of the Peace Treaty of Vereeniging in 1902, should also be restored its full rights and powers. Action to our claim on genocide is of extreme urgency. Immediate consideration of this letter is of extreme importance as: · The murdering of farmers in South Africa appears to have become a national sport, for no acceptable reason, and not justifiable by any law. The number of commercial farmers in South Africa in 1992, numbered more than 85 000. Presently, there are less than 12 000 commercial farmers in South Africa. In 2007, South Africa started importing basic foodstuff for the first time in its history. The South African population is expected to double from 45 million in 2007, to 90 million by 2030. · President Zuma of the African National Government has also called for redistribution of land without compensation. This has been called after all dispossessed people in South Africa after 1913 have already had the opportunity to lay their claims for land, and the time period for such claims have elapsed. Continual land claims does not only cause insecurity in the farming communities, but is also marginalizing the forward planning of productive food. Clarity on the possession of land by the state and the African National Congress whilst in government has not been made public knowledge; · President Zuma of the African National Congress in government is calling for the reclamation of land without recompensation in South Africa dating back to the year 1652 to commence in 2014. By international law, as established during the Hague Convention of 1899, land annexation by conquest was legal up until the year 1900. South Africa is a signatory to international law as set out in the Protocols of the Hague Conventions, and land grabbing on the basis of dispossession prior to the year 1900 is illegal, by international standards. Should such land grabbing in South Africa take place as envisioned by the African national Congress in government, this government would be in breach of the international law as set out by the Protocols of the Hague Conventions, and would also further displace and impoverish many innocent civilians in South Africa. We therefore call upon you to I. Assist in the establishment of protection of the rights of all South Africans; II. Assist with the establishment of interim governance during the transitional period to freedom; III. Bring to book those guilty of the war crimes against the citizens of South Africa. We trust that you will appreciate the urgency of this matter and will assist us to the best of your ability. In service to the South African nation. Yours Sincerely MG PIETER SE pp. Independence Commission Africa cc. DATED 31 JULY 2013 Thank you to every person that supports our struggle for independence from the Crown and its puppets. We need you now more than ever.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 04:57:27 +0000

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