BOOK 16. VOLUME 1. 0 THE TIME IS NOW NO MORE. - TopicsExpress


BOOK 16. VOLUME 1. 0 THE TIME IS NOW NO MORE. JESUS CHRIST IS OUR GOD. RECONOZCAMOLO, AS IT IS IN REALITY. Let HIM AND NO ONE ELSE. If we wait for Jesus, then, why look for another to replace it to him? HE IS OUR GOD, JESUS IS HIS NAME. WHAT IS WRITTEN IN THIS BOOK IS THE DA TO KNOW, HOW IS IT ONLY LORD AND GOD. AUTHOR: JESUS CHRIST. AUTHOR: RODOLFO JOSE LONIGRO. GOD IS LOVE. THE BIBLE SPEAKS OF A LORD. ONE OF GOD. A SAVIOR. HIS NAME IS JESUS. one My brothers and sisters, and all those who believe the Lord Jesus that he is, the I am. We all need to understand, what they wrote us in his time, he played to them be with the Lord in this world face to face with him, see his image and likeness, eat with him, live with him, drink with him , walk with him and share everything with him. There were some who wrote us that we all come from an Adam and Eve, but this only what we understand in the Spirit, because I tell you in the Spirit, because it seems that tells us that even the snake and Cain man came from an Adam and thats not because Adam God created him apart from those already on earth created by the Word, and male and female created in the image of God he created when God said, let us make man in our image and likeness to rule everything. But the man Adam created apart, it took a rib and formed Eve to Adam that this person was not alone. In this Adam God breathed life so that outside this than all creation, he formed a paradise and put it there. When Adam sinned, he was taken out of paradise and returned to the land where he had been taken to finish his days on earth as all mortals. Then God sawed him the way to paradise, that no man could get on your own to meet the tree of life and eat of its fruit and live forever. This tree came into this world as a man and for all to eat of its fruit and live forever, but no one believed he was the tree. But he believed he was were called sons of God. Look brothers Adam was the prince who should govern everything created by God, not he be a ruled, but he be a ruler over everything. Despite everything he knew what it was, he sinned against God in disobedience who seduced him and took the power he had. 2 There is much suffering not having the power to govern, and I had to come the second Adam, this was the Tree of Life that was planted in the middle of paradise and take the power that had taken power by Adam first, this is the Lord Jesus the eternal God the prince of glory Lord of lords El Salvador worldwide. All who are in him and believe that he is, and will continue to have its name very high, these are the rule with Christ Jesus the world that the Lord has already prepared for everyone who believes in him. If you look closely the writings, we realize that Adam was attacked with cunning by a prince unknown to Adam and Eve and still the man snake, named Adam put that race of humans that were created first thing to him. Who used this angel named Satan to deceive Adam and disempower that this had? He used the man called Serpent. This man was used by the Satan to deceive Eve first and then Eve tricked Adam. The three were guilty of sin, because they obeyed the voice of Satan and they forgot to obey the voice of the Lord God who had created them. Now it is the same, nobody wants to know the Lord of glory, to be cleansed and sanctified to enter the kingdom of God, as he hath purposed, and not according to what religious teaching. Satan is the prince of this world, and he governs at will, only those who can not govern, is to those who believe in the Lord Jesus and these are Christ. Now all the power it has our God named Jesus, El Salvador world. He has the power to kill and give life, to take us to heaven or hell throw us he has already prepared for the disobedient angels and Satan, who deceives the whole world with his doctrine full of lies. three All born again in water and the Spirit, are the rulers, not the ruled, as we are already born in the Spirit and the flesh is of no worth, we are called by our own name, and if we are of him we call as he called, as he is within each of which is his. Some tell me I am his brother, but if born again in water and the Spirit in Jesus name then it is his, but is not it. Well my name Lonigro and my dad is also Lonigro, I am my dad, but if I call Lonigro me and my dad called Black, can not be my dad, something is wrong in this. If I am baptized in Jesus name because my dad and Lord Jesus is, but if I baptize you in the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit, thats not right, because I am not Christ, but that I am from another Pope, who only gives me their titles and not your name. With this I do not offend anyone but I think that whoever they are baptized in the name of Christ Jesus Christ Jesus and nobody else. Should we go to the creator or the creators creation? Anyone who loves the created is an idolater, and no idolater will enter the kingdom of heaven. We must come to Christ Jesus and not what created by Christ Jesus, because the only one who saves is Christ Jesus and nobody else. He is the only pastor who gave his life for the sheep, the sheep may well have life and have it abundantly. He is the only pastor, the others are thieves and robbers, God is against them and the sentence. All who worship God in Spirit and Truth, these are the descendants of a no sinner Adam, who is the second Adam who is not from earth but from heaven. Now this same Jesus promised us that only he will come to look for those who adore them in Spirit and Truth, and not the other. 4 If that all who do not worship Him in Spirit and Truth, he came to fetch him, I think the prophets and Jesus himself even treat them that they were snakes and vipers, has a meaning that means Snake and Snake means clever. Jesus can not go wrong and less Juan who was the first to call you to those who came to be baptized by him in water, these came to be baptized and only did so to be seen by all, and show that they too are baptized and this did not like John, and call them by name, did so in the beginning the Snake man deceiving Eve, but; Who was in this matter to deceive Eve? It was Satan in the snake man, now deceive the same way, these men Snakes are used to deceive mankind with their religious lies, is why John called them by name to them, and Jesus also did well, calling them by name. These are the children of the descendants of the so-called Snake and snakes are not animals, but used only the name, which means clever. Clear the religious and do not understand the message of what they wrote that we all come from an Adam and Eve, they hide there in this passage to mean that all come from an Adam and Eve and that is not so , and explain them not all come from an Adam and Eve. They are liars, because they are like their father the devil, who is the father of lies, the same Lord Jesus Satan told that everything had given him and thats a lie stole it to Adam when he was deceived and he beat removing the power he had Adam first. This second Adam came from heaven, and tried the same trick Satan saying that everything had been given to him. This second Adam told him not to tempt your Lord and God and him only serve and worship him, and I miss out, so stop bothering you. 5 Now look again at the first Adam and Eve, they were punished and not cursed as he cursed humans called Snakes and Snake descent of man, for doing what they did were cursed and Adam and Eve were punished. Humans called Snakes, are the rulers of this world are purely carnal fruit of the earth and the earth again, only be saved if they come to Jesus with a heart full of repentance, and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is the Lord and personal savior. The Israelites call us gentiles, but many of the Gentiles were those who believed the Lord that he was El Salvador world and eternal God, who came to this world to save it, two towns the Lord made one people, your God my God and your people will be my people Ruth the Moabitess said to Naomi Jewish, which came after David and Jesus. I ask you please, whenever they want to talk about God the creator, first you have to know to talk about it and not talk about it because they think they know you, lying. Remember that Jesus has the power to give life and remove it, you must all respect, not trying to prove that youm superior to him, placing each a greater degree than has Jesus as the only Lord and Savior. I was previously owner of this body, and had as a disaster, I had to die and give it to the Lord Jesus that he is the owner, since he was the one who created it, and gave it life, then it is him now, and it is only mine, Im just a tenant in this body that I care. Sure it sounds a bit strange what I say, for religious, can never tell the truth, because the truth is not in them, and Truth is Christ, and he did not know, but talk about it. Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me? This as all religious talk about Jesus without knowing, they are liars and children of the devil, they continue pursuing the Lord Jesus as in antiquity. They teach you that they have the truth taught a doctrine that is clearly of them and not that of the Lord Jesus, because the doctrine of Jesus is to be believed him and know him as he is in reality, because he whoever lives and believes he lives too. 6 Jesus was saying to those who raise it, you do the deeds of your father, of course they were reluctant to believe with the heart, only brought closer to him to see if he could catch on something to judge. Jesus said to them; If God were your Father, ye would love me; For from God I proceeded forth and came; for I am not come of myself, but he sent me. Why do ye not understand my speech? Because ye can not hear my word. Youm your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies in his speech; for he is a liar and the father of lies. And to me because I tell the truth, I do not believe. Which of you rearguye me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me? He who is of God hears Gods words; Therefore you will not hear them, because I am not God. John. 8: 41-47. If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; And ye shall know the truth; and the truth shall make you free. Verily, verily, I say; that whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. And the servant abideth not in the house forever; a son abides forever. So if the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed. John. 8: 31-36. Will die in your sins, but you think I am. John. 8: 21-29. I go and seek me, ye shall die in your sins; whither I go, ye can not come. 7 Youm down, I am from above; you I am in this world, I am not of this world. Therefore I said that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I am, will die in your sins. What I have said from the beginning. I have many things to say and to judge of you; but he that sent me is true; and I, what I heard from him, I speak to the world. WHEN THE SON OF MAN BE LIFTED. Jesus said, When ye have lifted up the Son of man, then shall ye know that I am and that I do nothing of myself; but as the Father taught me, I speak. And he that sent me is with me; He has not left me alone father, for I always do what pleases him. John. 8: 21-29. I am the light of the world; Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. John. 8:12. WHICH ARE CARNAL, JUDGE, ACCORDING TO THE FLESH. Jesus said, though I bear witness of myself, my testimony is true, because thirst whence I came, and whither I go; but ye can not tell whence I come, and whither I go. Ye judge after the flesh; I do not judge anyone. And if I judge, my judgment is true; because I am not alone, but I and he that sent me, Father. And in your law it is written that the testimony of two men is true. (Beware misunderstand this saying) I am one that bear witness of myself, and the Father that sent me beareth witness of me. Neither me you know me, nor my Father; me if you knew me, so you would know my father. John. 8: 14-19. A Ye both know me, and know where I am, and I did not come himself, but Father who sent me is true, whom ye know not. 8 But I know him because I am from him, and he sent me. John. 7: 28-29. My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me. Whoever wants to do Gods will, he shall know of the doctrine is of God or whether I speak of myself. He who speaks on his own, seeketh his own glory: but he that seeketh his glory that sent him, this is true, and no unrighteousness is in him. John. 7: 16-18. Did not Moses give you the law, yet none of you keepeth the law? John. 7:19; Exodus. 24: 3; John. 1:17. THE TRUE BREAD. I am the true bread from heaven. John. 6:41. No man can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day. It is written in the prophets; They will all be taught by God. So everyone who hears his father, and learned from him comes to me. Not that anyone has seen the Father, save he which is of God; This has seen the Father. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life. I am the bread of life. Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and they died. This is the bread which cometh down from heaven, that a man may eat and not die. I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if anyone eats of this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world. John. 6: 44-51. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO EAT TO LIVE. Verily, verily, I say unto you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, ye have no life in you Jesus said. 9 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is real food and my blood is true drink. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in Me, and I in him. As the living Father sent me and I live by the father himself who eats me will live because of me. This is the bread that came down from heaven; not as your fathers ate manna and died, whoever eats this bread will live forever. John. 6: 53-58. Jesus said, No man can come to me unless it is granted him by the father. John. 6:65. It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I speak to you are spirit and life. Jesus is the Lamb slain. Jesus is the true bread from heaven. Jesus is the true drink. In the name of Jesus, we have to do everything in this world. Water baptism in the name of Jesus. To receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, received in the name of Jesus. When Jesus comes, will find those who worship them in Spirit and Truth. Only they will go with him, those who are his, and those are the ones that were named as the only savior and God. THE SECRET, AND AT THE SAME TIME IS TRUE. Jesus said, If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done. John. 15: 7. Whatever you ask the Father in My name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 10 (Here it is the opinion which has already received the Spirit) Look what Jesus meant that the father may be glorified in the Son. It turns out that the father and son are one, look after what he said: If you ask anything in my name, I plowed. First he said he pray to the Father in his name; then says that he will. John. 14: 13-14. Then he says and I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever; the Spirit of truth, whom the world can not receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you, but there are some of you that believe not. Thats why I told you that no one can come to me, but whatever is given you father. John. 6: 63-65. I am the resurrection and the life; he that believeth in me, though he were dead, shall live. And whoever lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this? John. 11: 25-26. JESUS DID WORK IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER. Jesus said: I told you, and ye believe not; the works that I do in my fathers name, they bear witness of me; But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them and they follow me: And I give them eternal life; and they shall never perish. My father gave me, is greater than all, and no one can snatch them out of my Fathers hand. I and the Father are one. John. 10: 25-30. Here in verse 30, Jesus confirms that he and the Father are one. Jesus is the true name of God. Jesus is the Word of God. Jesus is the word of God come in the flesh. Jesus is the light that enlightens every man. 11 Jesus is the true bread. Jesus is the true pastor. (There is no shepherd him) Jesus is the Wisdom (Word) Jesus is the Cordura (Life) Proverb. 8:12; 8: 22-36. Jesus is our God, (No God but him) Jesus is fathers son and Holy Spirit (One is, not two, not three) Jesus who came as a man. Jesus went away and return. Jesus is alive. Jesus is God. Jesus is unique and is all. Jesus created everything, and everything created for him. Jesus said that all scriptures speak of it. Jesus said to you: I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you. John. 14: 16-17. My brothers at the time Jesus was saying this, made them understand that they already knew the Spirit of God, for the Lord was already with them and lived with them, but then tells them and will be in you. Jesus promises that will come to them, but it is understood that come in Spirit and he did and still do, in all that you truly believe him, that he is the I am, El Salvador and Lord and God. Whoever receives the baptism of the Holy Spirit in Jesus name alone is received, and the recipient, is because the Lord dwells in him. And he said, A little while, and the world seeth me no more; (Here is the promise for those who already have it in your heart) he said: but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also. So today as the father was in it, so is it today in us, who has My commandments and keeps them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, (Holy Spirit) and I will love him and show myself to him. John. 14: 18-21. He who loves me will keep my word; and my Father will love him and come to him and aremos home with him. John. 14:23. 12 We already know who Jesus is. Now he says: He who does not love me does not keep my words; and the words that you have heard is not mine, but the Father who sent me. John. 14:24. (When my word out of my mouth, to me, does not return empty) Christ Jesus returned to that given, its that Word, if hes that Word, we are of him, and if we are it, are the Word we are the fruits that are in the tree of life, this tree is planted in the garden of Eden. (Paradise) The road was hidden for all humans, so no one on their own will find the way to go to the tree of life and eat of its fruit, and live for eternity. The path and the tree, which are one, came to us so we can go to meet the tree and eat its fruit and eating from the tree will live eternally. The way is open to all who want to walk this path to meet the tree and eat of its fruit and eating from the tree will live forever, this way and that tree is Jesus Christ, our Lord and God. He himself said: I am the way the truth and the life. He said: He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood will live forever. He also said: I am the bread that came down from heaven. I am the door of the sheep. I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep, plus the employee, sees the wolf and flees leaving the sheep because he is a hireling and does not care for the sheep. Many times Jesus told his disciples, he left the father, and the father had to return. This very few understand, because the words of Jesus, are they only revealed to those who have already received the baptism of water and of the Spirit in the name of Jesus, because these are his. Which is not his, can not comprehend. (These do not understand, are religious) Continues in Volume 2 of the book 16th. Author: JESUS CHRIST. Writer: RODOLFO JOSE LONIGRO. Address: Calle Zaragoza 22 Blok. 16 2nd left. La Muela ZARAGOZA 50196 SPAIN. Email: lonigrorodolfo@gmail rodolfo_lonigro@yahoo
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 07:36:29 +0000

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