BREAKING NEWS: United States Virgin Islands 2014 Local/Federal - TopicsExpress


BREAKING NEWS: United States Virgin Islands 2014 Local/Federal Elections Early Voting is Totally Illegal According to Virgin Islands Law - All Early Votes Invalid The 30th Legislature of the Virgin Islands, Virgin Islands Board of Elections, and the Virgin Islands Supervisor of Elections, all have violated United States Virgin Islands elections law by their enactment and implementation of Early Voting during the Virgin Islands 2014 Election Cycle. Virgin Islands elections law gives specific guidance to the legislature that it cannot enact any amendments to Title Eighteen Elections in the prior of six (6) months immediately preceding the date of the general election: TITLE EIGHTEEN Elections Chapter 1. General Provisions 18 V.I.C. § 6 (2014) § 6. Amendment during election year No amendments to this title shall be enacted by the Legislature in the period of six (6) months immediately preceding the date of a general election except in compliance with an order issued by a court of competent jurisdiction. Despite this crystal clear guidance to the 30th Legislature of the Virgin Islands that it did not have the authority of law to amend USVI elections law six months prior to the November 4, 2014 General election, that body violated Virgin Islands Elections law by overriding on 9/25/2014, Governor John P. deJongh, Jr. veto of Bill 30-0307 Act Number 7643 that he vetoed on 8/13/2014. The early voting currently in progress in the United States Virgin Islands is totally illegal according to Virgin Islands law. The earliest date this amendment could be implemented during any Virgin Islands election is 2016. It is no secret to the Virgin Islands Board of Elections that it is violating Virgin Islands law by its implementation of early voting during the Virgin Islands 2014 election cycle. There have been published reports in the local Virgin Islands media on October 11, 2014 quoting both Chairwoman Alecia Wells and Board Member Rupert Ross misleading the public about early voting. The Chairwoman planted the impression in the public that a early voting amendment was still pending when it was actually already enacted over a month earlier by the 30th Legislature on September 25, 2014. All parties involved are guided by Virgin Islands law and fully aware that this Early Voting amendment could not be enacted or enforced during the Virgin Islands 2014 election cycle. Totally illegal: Joint Elections Board’s Hands Tied on Early Voting BY APRIL ROSE FALE-KNIGHT — OCTOBER 11, 2014 Without finality on the early voting amendment and without board counsel Kimberly Salisbury, the board has no clear idea on how to proceed, according to Board Chairwoman Alecia Wells. Board member Rupert Ross said there is an early voting law in the books but it was not enforceable, leading to the joint board’s push for the Legislature to pass an amendment. To his knowledge, that amendment has not been acted upon by Gov. John deJongh Jr., Ross said. (ST. Thomas Source - October 11, 2014) Here is more evidence that Supervisor of Elections Caroline Fawkes was planting fraudulent information in the local Virgin Islands media on October 17, 2014 that an amendment still required the 30th Legislature approval for Early Voting. Total fabrication because over a month earlier on September 25, 2014 the 30th Legislature had overridden the governors veto of Early Voting. It was and still is totally illegal for the Supervisor of Election to execute Early Voting during the Virgin Islands General election. Supervisor Caroline Fawkes has no authority of law to make it work: St. Thomas Elections Board says early voting will begin Monday, despite earlier funding uncertainty BY JENNY KANE (DAILY NEWS STAFF) Published: October 17, 2014 Early voting was up in the air because an amendment still required the V.I. Legislatures approval and because the voting period was not funded, though V.I. Elections System supervisor Caroline Fawkes said officials will use funding from the General Election fund. Well make it work, she said. (Virgin Islands Daily News - October 17, 2014) One of the most troubling issues surrounding this illegal Virgin Islands Early Voting are the efforts by Virgin Islands freshman Senator Kenneth Gittens who has been publicly promoting this illegal Early Voting during the Virgin Islands 2014 General Election. One can only believe that this freshman senator was misled into believing that Early Voting was lawful during the 2014 General election. Senator Gittens is one of the hardest working senators in the 30th Legislature who have taken a strong stand against the 4th Amendment Agreement with Hovensa. Was Senator Gittens set up to publicly take the lead to promote this illegal Early Voting? Why didnt out going Senate President Shawn Michael-Malone promote this fraud himself being that his signature, along with veteran Senator Janette Millin-Young, signatures are affixed to the 30th Legislature override? Why did these veteran senators allow this freshman senator to go public with unlawful erroneous information regarding Early Voting during the Virgin Islands 2014 General Election? We look forward to an explanation from Senator Gittens on what went wrong in him promoting this Early Voting fraud on the people of the Virgin Islands. The entire Virgin Islands government is currently in chaos and totally lawless in all three branches. The Virgin Islands Think Tank applauds the Virgin Islands Supreme Court for its efforts at restoring law and order back into the United States Virgin Islands. Our Chief Justices are HEROS at this present moment in Virgin Islands history because they have taken a stand for the people of the Virgin Islands and Justice. Now why have the United States Department of Justice been missing-in-action being that there is also a federal election being violated? Does President Barrack Obama care about American citizens Civil Rights being violated in the United States Virgin Islands? It is time for federal law enforcement to shut down the United States Virgin Islands 2014 election cycle because it has been overran by the Virgin Islands Criminal Enterprise. We will continue to monitor this developing story.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 13:23:15 +0000

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