BREAKING NEWS : (from inbox) GO AHEAD AND FORM A PARTY , BUT - TopicsExpress


BREAKING NEWS : (from inbox) GO AHEAD AND FORM A PARTY , BUT ENDORSING HH IS IDEAL-SOSALA ENCOURAGES SAMPA Dear Breaking News- As one of those who were present at the Palace and in attendance in the meeting, Iam increasingly getting dismayed reading the propaganda and hate speech being propagated by desparate Emmanuel Mwamba against those he believes do not support his gang of crooks and opportunists. Bashi Lubemba never scoffed nor snub Miles Sampa but correctly adviced him. Contrary to his propaganda following Hon. Miles Sampas visit to Mwine Lubemba Sosala on 21st December, 2015...And the twist of truth and fact by Mwamba, Hon. Sampa was well received and warmly welcomed him yo the Palace. First at arrival at the Airport , as you can see Im the pictures attached , he was welcomed by hundreds of his supporters that also escorted him to the Palace where Bashi Lubemba cordially welcomed him and ushered him to meet the Paramount Chief as you can see from the pictures attached. Its true Hon Miles Sampa went to seek advice from his Chief and Senior elders araising from political events that have taken precedence in the recent past. He availed all his difficulties and options that he had to explore moving forward ...Among them , (i) possibilities for a reconciliation (b)Forming his own Political Party (c) Endorsing the UPND candidate Hakainde Hichilema However, the first option of reconciliation proved a none starter as it has become apparently clear that the Lungu camp was driven by vindictive through its on throat victimisation of party members who supported other candidates other than Lungu at the convention. My supporters are being harassed and victimised across the nation in various Party structures The reconciliation entered into by Dr Guy Scott and Lungu camp is not genuine as it left and omitted critical outstanding issues unresolved hence making the whole reconciliation cosmetic and Media Face cover. The second option of forming a Political Party was sustained however as a last option if the third does not stand. The advice given to Hon Sampa was to firstly consider working with HH if he was to have impact as opposed to forming a Party at this stage considering the number of political Parties oready in existence some of which have failed to gunner needed support base despite having good programmes and leaders. As one of those that attended the meeting at the Palace, in possession of recordings and clips , I can confirm to you that indeed Hon. Sampa met Henry Kanyanta Sosala and the welcome was excellent and the advice was for he (Sampa) consider working with Mr Hakainde as his first option available and only explore other options should the later prove otherwise. The Paramount Chief assured Sampa of his continued guidance when required. Its disheartening to see the levels of polarisation and sensationalism that has engulfed our Zambian politics due to desparate opportunists like Emmanuel Mwamba who are ready to call crocodile a big Lizard as long as it guarantees them of jobs and money at the end of it all. They have no conscious that beckons them even when they twist the truth for expedience and convenience. This is sad and no wonder there is a new wave of violence as politics has been hijacked by broken souls and desparate souls. Willing to sell their souls for silver and gold.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:03:23 +0000

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