BROTHERS...31 STATUS MEN... WHATS GOING ON???? The Pathological - TopicsExpress


BROTHERS...31 STATUS MEN... WHATS GOING ON???? The Pathological Problem of Men Of the 31 chapters in the book of Proverbs, 30 chapters are primarily addressed to men. Broken down even further, there are 22 verses for women and 893 verses for men. What does that tell you? Why do men need 98% of this book of wisdom? Based on the Bureau of Justice statistics regarding prison and jail inmates at mid-year 1999, there were about 2 million total inmates in Federal and State prisons. Of this group, 90% were men and 81% were unmarried − in various stages of singleness, i.e. without family. In the Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics 1998, it was stated that there were 31 million crimes. Single men did the overwhelming majority of those crimes. In the Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics 1998, it was stated that there were 113,866 men in federal prisons. Of the total inmates, 92.5% were men and only 9,186 were women. Additionally, it could be assumed that the majority of those women worked together with men at some point. The facts are clear − men are the leading cause of crime. Men gone wrong are the curse of the nation. And the majority of criminal men are unmarried. Again, according to Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics 1998, it was stated that in 1994 it cost over $103.4 billion for all the services required to incarcerate inmates in state and federal prisons. That equals at least $94 billion annually just for men. It doesn’t stop there. Let’s look at the target of men’s crimes. Men rob individuals, families and businesses. Men rob society of financial resources. Men rob society of their potential contribution to the community. And finally, these criminals rob God of their potential contribution to the church. Let’s look at it another way - how many armies of women do you know who have gone out to pillage and conquer the world? How many mass murderers were women? How many female pirates can you name? The history of men is not good. It is not pretty. Take Adam for instance: · Genesis 1:3,4 states that God made light. The light was good · Genesis 1:7-10 states that God made the sky, the water and land and God saw that it was good · Genesis 1:11,12 states that God made plants and trees. And God saw that it was good · Genesis 1:14,18 states that God made the sun and moon. And God saw that it was good. · Genesis 1:20 states that God made living creatures for the seas and birds. And God saw that it was good. · Genesis 1:24 states that God made land animals. And God saw that it was good · Genesis 1:31 (NIV) states that God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning, the sixth day. God made Adam and put him in the Garden of Eden. In Gen 2:18a (NIV) the Lord God said, It is not good for the man to be alone. The first time God said, “It is not good” is when he saw Adam left to himself. So how was God going to fix the problem? God came up with the perfect solution. In Gen 2:18b (NIV) - The Lord God said, I will make a helper suitable for him. Who was this helper God created to change Adam from not good to good? A woman! Men need the transforming power of a good wife, mother or sister. In this case, Adam needed a wife to help him rule the earth. Men need good wives. Men gone astray from God are the greatest social problem that faces America and the greatest drain on our national resources. Men who turn to God are our greatest hope. Men just happen to need a whole lot of extra focus of redemption and training. Single men need help. God’s plan to help Adam included a helper who would become his wife. Single men and women should begin developing a biblical worldview and the noble character that make for a solid life. If you are a single man, let me pass on to your one of the most important pieces of advice you will ever hear in your life – “Single people should not even date someone who is not committed to Gods blueprint.”
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 15:42:17 +0000

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