BUILDING THE BLACK MANS BUGATTI ~ WHEN HI-TECH MEETS LOW-TECH THERE IS A ECONOMIC SHIFT THAT LEADS TO INDEPENDENCE AND SELF SUFFICIENCY My current automobile project is based on using what I call the Hi-Tech Low-Tech approach. This strategy is founded on the idea of making use of older technologies top end technologies and combining them with modern manufacturing technologies and designs. A example of this philosophy would be to reproduce a vehicle like the Bugatti Veyron which has a Carbon fiber passenger monocoque in the center with aluminum space frame sections for the front and rear of the vehicle while the entire auto is covered in aluminum panels. The Bugatti Veyon also sports a highly advanced W-16 engine petrol engine which has two turbo chargers, and a newer model of this auto has a all Carbon fiber frame and body and now features four turbo chargers. Factually every aspect of the Bugatti Veyons ultra Hi-Tech drive train can be replaced with Low-Tech technologies which are readily available that will produce nearly the the exact same automobile. Our reproduction of such a vehicle would be identical in design and function, this is the Hi-Tech aspect of the concept, however our vehicle would be 100% steel rather than the premium priced aluminum and carbon fiber. Naturally there will be a 30% increase in the gross vehicle weight and a reduction in top end performance, however if equipped with a lower tech yet powerful naturally aspirated W-12 diesel engine as the power plant for such a auto this car would still outperform all but the most exotic sports cars and get better fuel millage than most modern sedans, this is the Low-Tech aspect of this concept. The W-12 diesel engine design without turbo chargers produces more than 500 hpr and 700 foot pounds of torque and is the engine which was featured in the Audi concept R-8 TDI automobile in 2008, clearly any auto built with the design characteristics of the Bugatti Veyon and powered by such a engine will be welcomed by anyone who desires a not so modest supercar. Following this concept of Hi-Tech Low Tech we can quickly and efficiently duplicate several of the worlds finest vehicles at reduced cost and rebrand them under our own auto company marquee. This can be accomplished though a variety of means including partnerships, licensing technologies we can then manufacture independently, and developing our own unique proprietary technologies. This method and concept can readily be be applied to autos such as the BMW 5 and 7 series, Bently and Rolls Royce vehicles, Audi cars, and several of the mid and top end vehicles currently being produced by American auto makers. Currently the major manufacturers are moving rapidly towards producing 100% aluminum automobiles, at the same time they are moving away from aluminum aerospace towards carbon fiber. This leaves a gap in the materials supply chain for steel and has caused several price drops in the steel industry. While aluminum does have a 40% weight savings over steel the price of aluminum is still extremely high and carbon fiber prices are no where near realistic because of low supply issues. We can take advantage of this change in the market and the associated materials use. The rapid reduction of steel prices will allow us to produce a series of 100% steel automobiles using some of the latest high strength steels with the latest automobile designs which will guarantee our community the absolute lowest prices on modern autos. Although these types of steel will allow us to make thinner walls and tubing to achieve some weight savings. These autos will still be 30% heavier than the aluminum cars which will affect gas millage, but since we can offset the disadvantage of heavier weight by opting to use modern diesel engines for their inherent higher torque which would be needed to counter the additional weight then the weight issue is nullified. These engines will also offset the additional fuel use because diesel power plants have much better gas mileage performance than gasoline engines. We as a people occupy a unique bubble within the modern economy, and because we do not independently produce enough manufactured goods to meet the needs of our community our annual income which is currently above 2.7 trillion is primarily spent buying manufactured goods from other racial groups and nations that do not support our current or future goals. By applying this concept of Hi-Tech Low-Tech and building or acquiring a full scale automobile manufacturing company and several facilities to produce a dozen of the best car designs to meet our communitys needs we will both guarantee we can efficiently and effectively distribute modern automobiles to our unique market segment at significantly reduced prices while simultanieously redirecting the profits from one of our largest capital expenditures, these profits are normally lost due to our dependence on manufactured goods we do not currently produce independently. By encapsulating our communitys economic output and redirecting our outgoing expenditures into a companies we collectively own we thereby turn a existing need and necessary expense into a much needed community asset. This method of self sufficiency can be applied to all market segments. By producing hundreds of the products our community normally purchases from others and collectively purchasing both durable and everyday consumer goods in bulk directly from manufacturers we will bypass the retail markup we all pay. We can then pass on those savings to ourselves so that we can all enjoy the latest tech and fundamental everyday goods while also enjoying price reductions by as much as 30%-60%. This practice of collective buying actively reduce our collective cost of living while simultaneously increasing our collective standard of living. To make this work on a large scale immediately we will build showrooms in our communities where you can view the majority of our self produced products. You would be able to purchase your favorite products including auto at these showrooms or you can simply go online to our online showroom which would display thousands of products. To speed up delivery times we can distribute goods, including autos and other goods we manufacture ourselves, along with products we collectively purchase to a system of warehouses around the country for fast delivery of local orders. Now I bet if we all put our heads together we can think of a few thousand products we do not currently produce ourselves which we can surely once organized produce under our own brand names and marquee. Unity of purpose and self sufficiency is the heart and soul of true independence and self determination. If you share my goal of freedom and independence, if you desire to bring a end to White Supremacy and the European oppression of Africans everywhere then we must collectively act in ways that empower ourselves and one another while protecting and utilizing one of our strongest and most apparent tools, our collective purchasing power.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 02:04:20 +0000

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