BY THE TESTIMONY OF TWO OR THREE WITNESSES As Christians, we need - TopicsExpress


BY THE TESTIMONY OF TWO OR THREE WITNESSES As Christians, we need to follow this protocol to put an end to all the discord in the church! One could not be accused of a crime without the testimony of two or three eyewitnesses. This admonition is repeated in the Apostolic Scriptures: But if he will not hear you, then take with you one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. (Matt 18:16) This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established. (2 Cor 13:1) Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses. (1 Tim 5:19) He that despised Moses’ law died without mercy under two or three witnesses. (Heb 10:28) Most gossip and slander would stop if this commandment were followed, and thus much division and strife within the body of believers. How many times have you repeated hearsay and gossip without checking the source? Even if you know it to be true, is it beneficial and righteous to report it to others? One Jewish rabbi goes so far as to say that Messiah has not come back because of all our gossip and slander of the people of Israel. Perhaps. At the very least, the Spirit of God/Elohim is greatly grieved, our intimacy with God/Elohim is diminished, and our marriages, families, friendships and congregations are fractured, hurt or destroyed because we speak things that should not be uttered. How often do we accuse, slander, gossip about other people through use of the “evil tongue” (lashon hara) without going through proper channels and following proper biblical protocols to resolve interpersonal conflicts as Jesus/ Yeshua instructed in Matthew 18? How often do we attack others and spread our evil reports and accusations about others when we were not even eyewitnesses to what occurred or were not involved in the matter? How often do we attack YHVH’s leaders and accuse them of evil when there are no other witnesses? YHVH hates those who sow discord among brethren and lying false witnesses, and calls this practice an abomination (Prov 6:16–17,19). So be careful with the mouth!
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 05:34:34 +0000

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