Baby #2 is born — Smart Sales Manager is in the house! Smart - TopicsExpress


Baby #2 is born — Smart Sales Manager is in the house! Smart Sales Manager is in the house — I’m sooooooooooo excited. It looks awesome! This book is going to DOMINATE the sales world — just watch. I took some time to bask in the glow of my second book, and then I suddenly realized . . . “Whaaat? It’s a month early! I wasn’t ready for this premie to be born. I still have more and more and more to do on the sales and marketing and PR fronts . . .” No matter how much great planning you do, you have to be prepared for surprises. And that’s s just one of the many lessons I’ve learned from writing a second sales book. Here are some others: 1. Writing a book in 5-7 month window is social suicide. This all-consuming endeavor is filled with many nights of writing, being isolated, feeling excluded from social gatherings, sitting with your laptop eating power bars, and being convinced you absolutely cannot find another word to fill the page, let alone write a whole new chapter. 2. “So how’s the book coming along? When are you going to be doing your book tour? Are you a millionaire now that you are writing a second book?” Love those questions. Generic one-word answers I am biting my lip came in handy. Answers like “no” or “great” or “fine”or “soon” helped save me from lunging at many unsuspecting and well-meaning friends. 3. Every detail that upset me about publishing the book no longer upsets me. I got caught in the weeds on the title, book jacket cover, graphics, who was going to write my foreword to the book and in the end, I had to trust my knowledgeable book publisher, Bob Nirkind who knew exactly what his team at AMACOM was doing. 4. My trust score is low. The biggest casualties in my list of external consultants are usually the marketing and PR people. Why? Because my high standards, impatience, and passion get in the way of trusting others to do their job. Or believing that they know more than they do and believing they can do it better but realizing they don’t. I know enough to be dangerous, and I am when it comes to this area of expertise. 5. Web redesign is a dramatic metamorphosis – inside and out. Any time I go through a web redesign, it’s like taking the insides of my body and throwing them on a table for observation. Everything centers around having your “house in order” and having a strong web/blog/social media presence sets the foundation for future business. Just like when my first book, Smart Selling on the Phone and Online, launched, Smart Sales Manager it has a tall order: to be THE PLAYBOOK for VPs of Sales, Sales Managers, Senior Salespeople, and Supervisors who want to lead in today’s New Normal sales ecosystem. Watch out, world! The post Baby #2 is born — Smart Sales Manager is in the house! appeared first on TeleSmart Communications.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 17:09:39 +0000

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