Bad New For Racists Of All Colors: You’re Losing And Your - TopicsExpress


Bad New For Racists Of All Colors: You’re Losing And Your Leaders Know It by Bishop Bob Hellmann Racists are losing! That’s good news for all of us sane people! The old guard, who controls the old thoughts, ideologies, philosophies, and emotions is on its way out! And, I’m speaking this of white racists and black racists. Better people are going to use better ways to bring about better changes. What worked in the 1960’s is not working today. I believe someone defined insanity as doing the same things over and over and over again, while expecting a different outcome. You can’t conduct the old civil rights movement in a new day. You may conduct a new civil rights movement in a new day, but you can’t conduct the old one in these days. You see the definition of racism has changed in the last 40 years. For most of America’s 400 years, racism was based solely, or pretty much, solely, on the color of a person’s skin. That is still true in places today, but much less so than just a few years back. There are really far fewer racists than people imagine, especially compared to the history of America, even recent history. Racists are losing everywhere, every year! But you won’t hear that no any news channel. In my 40 years of pastoral experience in the deep south, I have pastored thousands of African Americans. Granted we all were Christians which makes a huge difference in one’s spirit and inner man. I listened to and respected my friend’s experiences. I always tried to learn something, and I did. So here is one thing I was taught by my African American brothers and sisters. Even among African American’s there is racism directed at the lighter skinned blacks. Shades of blackness or brownness result in persecution among the very ones who blame whites for being racist against dark skin. Seems hypocritical I know. Here is what I know about the new definition of racism. Under this new definition of racism you can: Have white or black neighbors that you love and whose company you enjoy. You can be great neighbors to one another, watching each other’s kids, taking care of one another when sick, etc. But, under the new definition you can still be a racist. Love your fellow employees or bosses of all colors. Eat lunch together. Laugh together. Help another. But still be a racist. Go to a multicultural church where blacks and whites are worshiping Jesus together. Participate in small groups together. Fellowship over a meal with one another. Pray for one another. And, still be a racist. Have a white or black son or daughter in law. And still be a racist. Have white, black, or brown grandchildren, grandchildren of color who bear your very same surname. And, still be a racist. Your kids can play together and be on the same sports teams. But, you are still a racist. I don’t know that the old guard, black or white, will ever release you from their racism claims and accusations. I’m guessing not. But a new guard is arising! Therein is our hope! Let’s talk more about the old guard. First the white old guard racists. Every sane white person knows that the KKK is crazy and they won’t have a thing to do with them. In fact, we oppose them because we know them to be just a bunch of racist nuts. The same goes for our feelings towards any white supremacist group or anyone who is known to be a racist. Those groups are a wild, fringe, and very small minority among whites and do NOT represent the thoughts, beliefs, or feelings of the great majority of caucasian people. If you think that they are typical whites you are very much misinformed. The Klan’s influence in society is dead. They raise their ugly sheets every now and then and mainly for the publicity. They no longer control the racial thinking of schools, politics, colleges, neighborhoods, churches, athletics, finances, etc. The Klan is a dinosaur! White people have really changed, much more so than they are given credit for. I didn’t say we were totally free and needed no more change. I’m saying we are not nearly as racist as most blacks believe. Now why do most blacks believe that whites have not changed? History? Yes. Personal experiences? Yes. (But there are also many positive personal experiences with people of different races. These things don’t make headlines though.) The fringe groups? Yes. But also, the old black guard! Now here’s the thing. The litmus test determining whether one is a racist in these days, is whether or not one goes along with the thinking of the old guard. If blacks think new thoughts, they are ostracized by the old guard and all of the old guard members. Kind of sounds like slavery. Here’s an example. Some African Americans, and more than you might think, came out during the Ferguson situation and actually looked at Michael Brown’s character and blamed him for his own sad demise. Not the old guard. The old guard only has one tactic and that is to blame whitey. (That’s why the old guard is not interested in black on black crime. No whites to blame.) And, some black folks are breaking with that philosophy. Why? They know it is not true. And, they see that that method of dealing with issues is not working! And, it hasn’t worked in a long time! All of my leading candidates for President of the United States in 2016 are black. But I’m still considered a racist by the old guard. Why? The blacks that I am supporting like Dr. Carson, Allen West, Condoleezza Rice, and maybe one or two more have broken with the thinking of the old black guard. And, they are rejected and persecuted by blacks because of it. If you want persecution and you are black, forget Ferguson. Break with the old line thinking of the old guard, and your own people will stone you to death. You know its true! The old guard will vote for Hillary before they will vote for Dr. Carson? Why? Racism is no longer merely a skin issue. It’s about a set of beliefs that must be adhered to if you are African American, or if you want the African American vote. If you are a black conservative you are already not accepted and not wanted, by blacks. Why? You have broken with the old guard’s beliefs. You are a traitor. An Oreo. An Uncle Tom. The house ni—r. Bear in mind this is what other blacks call you, if you break ranks! The pressure for African Americans to stay in rank is enormous, and not one that any black person breaks easily or without paying a price within their own community. Dr. Kings said we should be judged not based on the color of our skin but on the content of our character. I believe that. All of the people that I know, black and white, not only believe that but practice it. But, to the old guard, the content of one’s character does not matter as long as the skin is black. To dream a new dream you must first stop dreaming the old one! Arise new guard and take us into better days and better places for men and women of all colors! May old things pass away and all things be made new!
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 00:53:58 +0000

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