Bangladesh - Where do we stand really? Its human nature to - TopicsExpress


Bangladesh - Where do we stand really? Its human nature to overestimate oneself - ones capacity, ones skills, Ones capability. This is true for individuals, company, and even for countries. This is why even the best of companies make wrong prediction - they think that they can achieve the unachievable, and make bigger mistakes. Individuals keep on making the mistake all the time - and pay that price - at times by losing everything Sports team fall into the same trap - with one win believing that they can beat any team But collectively when a nation falls into this - that can be really dangerous. There was a time - when Bangladesh was absolutely at the receiving end. It was as if we could do nothing right. No one was interested in seeing the other side of the coin. A country of 150 + Million people - who are fighting it out every day of the year - against so much odds that would surprise most people of the world - IF ONLY THEY KNEW THE TRUE STORY =But then again its not a simple rags to riches story - its not a story where you simply share the progress we are making and all is hunky dory. Thats what we are trying to do in phase 2 . We are trying too hard in sharing that we are a miracle, that everything is perfect as a nation for us, that we have almost become a middle income nation. Well we are not, we are still a very poor country, where almost 35% people are very poor and large number of them are struggling with their everyday life. Go out in the street and you will feel the truth. Corruption is very high. Fundamental rules of law are absent whenever political connections play a role, getting a big project is more dependent on connection than skills. I know this paints a very bleak picture, but as I mentioned before there is another side of the story - and I like everyone believe that, our strength behind ( strength of people) is much stronger than all the obstacles ahead of us . And that truly makes us unique In order to achieve our potential - one trait we must display is humbleness. We cannot reach there by being arrogant We sure need to be proud, not dance to anyones tune, and decide our own future. But we also need to know what battles to fight. And throwing it at USA is certainly not one of them. Even if all our accusations are true - we need to realize USA is still the most powerful nation in the world Still is the single biggest importer of our Apparel Sector And in todays world - a powerful nation can make things difficult for a nation like ours in many ways. My point is what will we gain out of it. We need to learn how to achieve our goal being diplomatic. And our recent comments and observations against USA lacks that completely We surely will get better , and hopefully will stand tall among all nations, and the first step in that journey is realizing where we stand and working from there. Overestimation, overconfidence will never do the job.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 17:10:34 +0000

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