Because someone asked earlier today, I thought I would share this - TopicsExpress


Because someone asked earlier today, I thought I would share this with other geogeeks out there as well. Ive been using the heart globe image for a while as my professional avatar which I did not create. I was inspired by it enough that it eventually became the logo for a campus club I was involved with called the Geospatial Alliance (GeoA). To create that logo (an inverted version of this projection), I had to figure out how to recreate this projection, which happens to be a modified Bonne Projection called the Werner Projection. Im providing the parameters here. The Central Meridian for the example below (but not the picture shown) is positioned over Oakwood, GA. Change it and you can have the CM pass over any focus point you want. Copy and paste the parameters below into a text file and save with *.prj extension to be used in GIS software. Happy GISing! PROJCS[iheartmaps,GEOGCS[GCS_WGS_1984,DATUM[D_WGS_1984,SPHEROID[WGS_1984,6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM[Greenwich,0.0],UNIT[Degree,0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION[Bonne],PARAMETER[False_Easting,0.0],PARAMETER[False_Northing,0.0],PARAMETER[Central_Meridian,-83.5],PARAMETER[Standard_Parallel_1,89.9],UNIT[Meter,1.0]]
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 05:04:08 +0000

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