Becoming A World Class Christian The Great Commission is my - TopicsExpress


Becoming A World Class Christian The Great Commission is my commission. World-class Christians know they were saved to serve, and made for a mission. Theyre eager to receive a personal assignment and excited about the privilege of being used by God. Their joy, confidence, and enthusiasm is contagious because they know theyre theyre making a difference. Rick Warren, Purpose Driven Life, Becoming a World Class Christian I know there must be christians out there who believe that the Great Commission was spoken by Jesus to His select group of disciples and doesnt apply to them. I dont recall anyone just saying this outright, but that is the attitude I see in many christians today. The Great Commission has become The Great Ommission to these christians. It never ceases to amaze me that the same ones who feel this way about taking the Great Commission literally have no problems taking other parts of Gods Word literal when it is to their advantage. They want their literal salvation, their literal blessings, etc. Remember, Paul was not among those who were standing there on the day Jesus gave this Commission, yet it is quite evident that he (and many others) took these words of Jesus very literal. He says in Colossians 1:6 that the gospel is growing all over the world. Jesus tells us in Matthew 24:14 that the gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. As an Internet World Bible School teacher, I can tell you this is being done right now. I have students from all parts of the world, Nigeria, China, the Phillipines. I have students from countries I have never heard of, and never knew existed. I have read of Buddhist monks coming to Christ in the far reaches of the Himalayan Mountains. It is amazing what is being done. I am happy to be a part of this sharing the gospel to the world. We live in an age where the possibilities are almost endless when it comes to sharing the gospel of Christ with the whole world. Have you ever thought what Paul would have done with a Laptop? He, and others of the 1st Century reached the whole known world without any of the conveniences we have today. When I can sit at the comfort of my desk and reach out to students in Nigeria, Ireland, Swaziland, South America we have NO EXCUSE to think we cannot accomplish this task. There is no doubt in my mind that we are living in the latter part of the last days. I look around at the things happening in our own country and the world and the words of Jesus, Paul, and Peter echo through my mind. Even with all of the evil happening in the world I find it is an exciting time to be alive. I firmly beleive we are living in the time looked forward to by all the prophets with earnest expectation. Each day brings us closer to Jesus coming with the clouds. This old world will come to an end and a New Heavens and New Earth will be ushered into being as surely as a new-born baby enters the world. I dont know the exact sequence of how this is to happen. I dont have to. What I think or dont think about Pre-millenialism, Post-Millenialism or Ameniallism isnt going to change Gods plan. I like to discuss my ideas with those who are into eschatology--But never at the expense of preventing me taking time to do what is really important--Telling others about Christ. It feels good to know there are people in glory right now because God used imperfect me to share the gospel with them. Their obedience to Christ and His gospel has assured them an eternity together with Jesus and all the faithful. I dont want anyone to be able to point a finger at me on that day and try to use me as an excuse that they might have chosen the narrow road if only I had shown the way. I was pleasantly surprised to learn in my own work with the WBS that even the smallest villages in Africa, India and other impoverished nations all have Internet capability at public kiosks and cafes. Unlike many Americans they are hungry for the Word of God and love to be involved in Bible Study. I truly believe we can reach the entire world using this tool. All christians should consider becoming involved in the Great Commission in some form. I feel a part of Gods work and Kingdom when I know I am trying to do my part. God wants allto have a chance to hear and obey the Word. Whether they obey or not is up to them. Gods justice will be served in making the Gospel message to be made available to them. That is up to you and I. God Bless!
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 10:44:01 +0000

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