Beech Tree - Greece - There was in place actual trees that was - TopicsExpress


Beech Tree - Greece - There was in place actual trees that was said to give messages of the God Zeus and his wife in the rustle of their leaves. These trees were destroyed during the Roman conquest around 167 BCE only to be replanted in 31 BCE by the Emperor Augustus. When Christianity era came and cut them down CE 391, there was no attempt to replant. Harriet Beecher Stowe Ash Tree - Storm Lake, Iowa - This seedling came from a tree at the home of Author Harriet Beecher Stowe located in Cincinnati, Ohio. Her work in Uncle Tom’s Cabin had influence in starting the civil war Herta - Teutonic - A Goddess of the Wild Hunt, very little is known of her. It is found that she may have ruins of a shrine at the edge of a black lake on Rugen Island in the Baltic Sea. This lake was once surrounded by Beech forests and was considered her sacred grove. Itchita - Yakut - A Goddess of the earth who lives in the white beech tree. Les faux de Verzy - Verzy, France - A random collection of beech trees that grew deformed like cork screws for unknown reasons. They are concentrated at top of a wooded hill once famous for St Basles who converted heathen in Lorraine. Liberty Tree - Colonial America 1765 to 1766 - A practice that named the Sycamores and Elms around towns and villages in America. These trees became places where local meetings and rally in opposition to British Government were held. In Newport, Rhode Island British soldiers cut down the tree and another was planted in its place. This tree survived until Civil War. The present Liberty tree is a beech tree planted in 1897 and still going strong. The original Liberty Tree was in Boston, Massachusetts, and was a huge elm that was chopped down and burned by General Gage’s Soldiers in 1776. Old Benchmark Beech - Covington, Louisiana - A beech tree with 2 centuries worth of surveyor’s notations carved in its trunk. Piglet - Winnie the Pooh Classic - A story series by A.A. Milne that has this particular character living in a beech tree. The Presidents Tree of Takoma Park - Maryland - A Beech Tree that has carved on its bark a list of the presidents from George Washington to Andrew Johnson along with the carver Samuel Fenton. Union Beech - Michigan City, Mississippi - A beech tree with carved names, initials and regimental numbers of Yankees stationed at the federal garrison. Henry David Thoreau, 1817 - 1862 - I frequently tramped eight or ten miles through the deepest snow to keep an appointment with a beech-tree, or a yellow birch, or an old acquaintance among the pines.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 23:13:36 +0000

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