Before I used to think love was like a light switch, something - TopicsExpress


Before I used to think love was like a light switch, something flicks on, an overwhelming sensation dat hits u, or an arrow, when u know u know. but over the years, Ive learnt otherwise. Ive placed cupid right next to Santa Claus and the easter bunny. Love is a choice. U either choose to love the person or not. Of course many factors can help u make this choice, like d way she dresses, d way he makes u laugh, where u r at dat point in life, list goes on. And then just like a flight on an airplane there is turbulence. The fights, d arguments, disagreements. Another choice has to be made. U either choose to continue loving d person or to stop. That is u choose to stay on board and fly with the person or to jump down and fall. If u choose to continue d flight, dats owk as u people will support each other and fly together. but if u choose to jump and fall, two things will happen, ur either going to feel miserable(depressed) or d fall will make u learn and get stronger. And normally u can still decide to make another choice whether to board another plane and continue d flight or u stay down and heal from d fall. Even if u board another plane, turbulence is still inevitable tho. For those who had chosen to keep flying and not jump, as time goes on they become stronger which means d love has deepened. So dey live everyday choosing whether to love d person today, tomorrow or even forever. And many other factors affect dis. Like whatever struggle ur facing, if he or she is still consistent in doing whatever dey used to do before u guys boarded d plane and so on. So my lovelies, make ur choice today. If u choose to stay and continue d flight, please love hard. but for those who choose to fall, promise me one thing... Let the fall make u stronger. Im still on my flight sha, Lol!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 06:08:27 +0000

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