Behold the Great Filter - the theoretical monster invented by - TopicsExpress


Behold the Great Filter - the theoretical monster invented by scientists trying to explain the current lack of solid evidence for other intelligent life in the universe (the so-called Fermi Paradox.) It seems inevitable that life doesnt go beyond a certain stage of development without somehow destroying itself. The approach is fundamentally wrong, because a simpler explanation for the Fermi Paradox could be that other intelligent life simply doesnt *want* to come in contact with a species whose existence is based on a continous struggle with one another, where only the strongest survive. Nonetheless, something like the Great Filter theory simply must exist in nature, in order to prevent warring species from taking over the entire Galaxy - because there is no limit to expansion once the technology exists. The Great Filter may be Natures own way of protecting itself against such a spread. When such a species is limited to only one planet or one solar system, they can do minimal damage on a galactic scale. Note the quote at the end of the article - in the search of extraterrestrial life no news is good news, because it promises a great future for humanity. Its absolutely true - but not for the convoluted reason they cite. No, its true because if theres no other intelligent life, then the Universe is ours, right.
Posted on: Sat, 17 May 2014 19:15:23 +0000

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