Below message were send to all foreign representatives in South - TopicsExpress


Below message were send to all foreign representatives in South Africa: So whats the purpose of foreign representatives in South Africa when the historical indigenous people still being colonialized for their resources, wealth, land and the sea, not refer to Blacks or Whites as Indigenous because they are not, they are too foreigners of a different time period. They currently helping other foreigners and international companies to further dispossess us, oppress us, in social, economic and in politics. Descendants of the Khoi and San still being called the racist identity of Apartheid Coloureds. We still being marginalised, dispossessed, deprived and oppressed. What is the purpose of foreign investments into South Africa when the Indigenous people is still being oppress economical by these foreign companies using labour brokers to cheat them and to under pay them so that other ethnic group can make money out of them, that is slavery. so these companies is guilty of economical genocide. check attachment letter please, it was send to the UNITED NATIONS. chiefkorana.blogspot How many of parliament members is not indigenous to this country, how many who are beneficiaries to governmental tenders, beneficiaries in the countrys resources and other contracts and tenders that actually do cripple us financially is not indigenous to this country, so how can we imply or believe we are all equal, but the historical people, the descendants of the Khoi and San still being branded under the racist identity of Apartheid COLOUREDS is systematically left out, excluded, left for extinction so that other foreign ethnic groups can benefit through Colonial system branded as Democracy. Below message were send to all media houses in South Africa, with the same UN attachment letter: Not even the media were truthful in their news reports on South Africa’s current situations, tell a story as if no investigation were done, no transformation at all. 0723359099 South African media of all levels is being used to help spread propaganda from both sides, meaning from the Whites and Blacks sides, meaning from ANC and their affiliations and DA and their affiliations, to cover up their human rights violations against the descendants of the Khoi and San, and how they use our own people against us to do their spy work in order to create obstacles and more sufferings. And why are many in KhoiSan structures still protecting the ANC, as the Whites are the only culprits in our current or past situations. Then you all do not really knows your history or history of the Khoi and San tribes and their territories. As if the ANC and the NP/DA not working together in order to co-exist. And those KhoiSan individuals supporting them in y way possible is actually aiding them in our plight. They need to be removed promptly because of their own doings we now live in a more dangerous environment then before. And sad part of it we know who they are but say nothing or anything about it. Those culprits just derail, destroy their own people, tribe and community existence and future. You just destroy our indigenous rights / KhoiSan land title rights to serve your colonial masters. While they import more ethnic groups to help with their extinction plan you just make the situation more worst. YOU CANNOT HAVE IT BOTH WAYS.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 10:45:11 +0000

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