Benefits of Peepal Peepal tree is of great medicinal value. - TopicsExpress


Benefits of Peepal Peepal tree is of great medicinal value. Its leaves serve as a wonderful laxative as well as tonic for the body. It is especially useful for patients suffering from Jaundice. It helps to control the excessive amount of urine released during jaundice. The leaves of Peepal are highly effective in treating heart disorders. It helps to control the palpitation of heart and thereby combat the cardiac weakness. Ayurveda makes an extensive use of the leaves of peepal due to the numerous benefits it provides. To know more about the medicinal benefits of Peepal, read on. For constipation problem, there can be no better remedy than the consumption of leaves of Peepal. Dry the Peepal leaves in sun and powder them. Add a solution of jaggery and anise to it. Mix it with water and consume it. This concoction will ensure proper bowel movement. The Indian basil peepal works wonders in treating dysentery. Prepare a mixture of grinded coriander leaves, peepal leaves and sugar and chew it slowly. The leaf of a peepal plant is also considered valuable in the treatment of various kinds of skin disorders. Pipal leaves are of great use in getting rid of mumps. All one needs to do to avail the benefits of peepal plant is smear the leaves of Peepal with ghee and then warm it on low flame. After that, bandage it over the swollen inflamed part of the body. It is surely going to provide the patient with a great relief. Even for boils, this remedy will prove to be quite effective. In case of formation of pus, bandaging the leaves of Peepal will ensure that the growth subsides. But, it will give beneficial results only if the problem is in its preliminary stage. By Nibhanapudi Suguna Peepal tree is one of the most important trees in India both in terms of its medicinal benefits and its mythological importance. The tree is worshipped by Hindus. It is the aswatth vriksh or the wish-fulfilling tree. Under this tree, Gautama Buddha attained enlightenment. The leaves, fruits, bark and roots have been in medicinal use since very ancient times. Here are some benefits of peepal tree ■ This tree helps in treating heart disorders and controlling palpitation of the heart. Take a leaf of peepal tree, wash it thoroughly, put it in a glass of water, cover it and leave it overnight, early in the morning remove the leaf and drink the water. Do it regularly for few days and you can find the difference yourself. ■ It is also helpful in treating jaundice. Take 4 tender leaves of the peepal tree, wash them in running water and eat them thrice a day. This controls the excessive amount of urine released during jaundice. You can also soak the tender twig of the peepal treein water overnight. Take out the twig and drink the water in the morning on empty stomach. This method also works effectively. ■ To get relief from constipation, take peepalleaves, dried and powdered and store in a bottle. Add required quantity of anise and jiggery solution to leaves, mix with water and prepare small pills Take one pill at bedtime with water for better bowel movement. ■ Toothache can be relieved by cleaning the mouth with the decoction of the leaves. This is more effective if you do this at night before going to bed. ■ The fruits of this tree are also used as laxative and to prevent constipation. These fruits also help promote digestion. ■ To quench thirst take the bark of the tree, burn till it becomes black (charcoal) and then put in a glass of water and drink. ■ For relief from diarrhea, burn the bark of the peepal tree and crush this bark (charcoal), mix with little sugar candy and water. Make small pea-size balls and take along with water. ■ For instant relief from bruises and swellings, peepal bark (crushed and mixed with water) paste can be applied on the wound to get quick relief. The leaves of the peepal can also be powdered, mixed with jaggery and made into pills of pea size and dried in shade. One pill taken daily with milk gives relief from pain. ■ Peepal leaves are also used to treat dysentery. Tender parts of peepal leaves, coriander leaves and sugar, chewed slowly helps get relief from dysentery. ■ To treat boils, the leaves of the tree, smeared with lukewarm ghee can be bandaged on the boils, if there is a pus formation it will burst. If it is just appearing, it will subside. ■ Wash and shade dry the leaves of the peepal tree. Now powder the dried leaves. Boil a teaspoon of this powder in a glass of water. Filter and drink. This is highly beneficial in cooling the body. ■ To get relief from earache heat the leaves over a flame and extract the juice. Few drops of this juice administered in both the ears gives relief from pain. ■ The bark of this tree contains anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. The bark of the tree, powdered and stored, is used to heal wounds. It can even be used in a poultice to reduce the glandular swelling when children have mumps. Even peepal leaves can be used to treat mumps. Apply little ghee to the leaves, warm them over fire and bandage them over the inflamed part to get relief. ■ The root bark powder is used in preparations for curing stomachache, while the roots are used in curing gout. They are also chewed to prevent gum diseases. ■ To prevent bleeding of nose, take one spoon of peepal leaves juice or dried leaves powder, at bedtime with water. Fruits also can be dried, powdered and mixed with equal quantity of sugar and taken at bedtime with milk.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 10:38:40 +0000

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