Beware. this may be a long one, but its long overdue: When i - TopicsExpress


Beware. this may be a long one, but its long overdue: When i had my old facebook, I had almost 5,00 friends, and maybe 700+ pending friend request. The slightest post would garner hundreds of comments, literally hundreds. My radio show grossed over 30,000 listens in the few months that I had it. And with that amount of energy came ALL types of energy; one in particular that made me close my facebook. And its the energy of people literally insulting and attacking me. I closed that facebook, bc i couldnt deal. Im too sensitive of a being and i could literally feel hundreds of people intaking and exchanging energy with me in each thread. shit got hella real. Eventually conversations werent really able to evolve, truths werent able to be reached, bc so many people spent time making sure that at every oppurtunity they could, they would combat me, debate me, argue with me... i actually recieved 3 death threats! I swear! I am not without fault.... let me be clear. Cause as fast as they would snap i would snap back. coming with that heat and fire of Kali and Sehkmet havin a threesome with Oya. I hurled insults, belittled people, dismissed people, offended people. every single thing i saw on my timeline that felt offensive, homophobic, racist, sizist, etc i fired at with no mercy. After a while, I was tired. Tired of myself. And knew i needed time to reflect on how to turn my grapes into wine. I started a new facebook to move away from that, to be selective about who i brought into the sphere of fire of my mind. who i would want to see post and what i didnt want to deal with. I know that my opinions are very differnt from most people and that is something i really pride about myself. And something that those in my sphere appreciate. The facebook started off small, under a hundred friends, just some of my favorite fb friends from before, no profile pic, on the low low. Conversations went on and on and was so constructive and awesome. no arguing, no fighting, no name calling no threats, differing opinions, and plenty of growth. Then i extended my fb world and added pictures, commented on other things accepted friend request... and now things are starting to change. And i have realized something: People come at me harder than the people who actually hurt them. harder than they would the police officer they saw slam an old woman into a bus, harder than they would their manager for saying something racist, harder than they would someone who robbed their house. What gets me is, my statuses NEVER tag anyone directly, yet people respond to me PERSONALLY as though i tagged them, put it on their wall and made it their linked in profile information! and it baffles me bc 90% of the time, its people who i NEVER see in my feed so im ACTUALLY not referring to them at all. So if im energetically not directing it towards you, if im wrong and it doesnt apply, and if your not tagged, why come at me with such vitriol? Such anger and passion? cuss words and insults? These are real questions! Am i not entitled to my opinion? Must I post things you agree with? I VERY RARELY comment on someone elses post. people come on MY page upset bc i SAID something. And to me, the funniest part is that, the people im ACTUALLY referring to, often like the post and keep on scrolling. So if the people who i actually talking to aint goin off why are you? Im forreal! So as a courtesy to those are enraged, upset, annoyed, angered, offended, disturbed and confused about my facebook, i have compiled a list of how to survive when Imani inamIs appears on your timeline. 1. If you see something that makes you upset to the point where you need to cuss or insult me: DELETE ME! UNFOLLOW ME! I am not worth your energy. I do not want to kill your vibe. I want all that i interact with to grow and benefit from my flame. and if it aint for you. please do whats best. I will feel no ways if you delete me. If i see you in person i will throw no shade. We in this together. 2. I currently have 812 facebook friends. So if i did not tag you directly, there is a 1/812 chance that I am talking to or about you in ANY capacity. Mathematically speaking that a .12315270935% chance that you are the subject of my post. And im not making that number up. I just used a calculator. So considering that, if you take my fb post personally, please reflect as to why YOU think it applies to you and then comment. In the event that you beat those incredible odds and you are CERTAIN that i am referencing you directly and you dont like it, please ask me if i am, or comment and express yourself. Otherwise to get personal with me when it was not personal with you is a reflection of an internal dialogue. 3. Please do not do too much and curse at me, hurl personal and private insults, or use abelist, audist, phonocentric language when you respond. Now if i curse AT YOU its fair game! come with it. but just.. dont give me too much. Im dealing with so much other shit. sometimes i just need to post a thought blurb about a random musing and go on with my day. I dont like having to come back to 45 notifications of people being outraged cause i dont agree with them. Im just one person yall. Forreal. 4. Please dont take this as I do not want to be disagreed with! Quite the contrary, I appreciate a good and stimulating exchange! there are several peole who disagree with alot of things I say and when i post things I am looking forward to how they will evolve my feeling. I WANT to be checked. Esp on phonocentrism, my nuerotypical privelge, ablismm, classism, colorism, and all the other ism that cushion my world everyday. I seek to be bare open and vast by learning how to love you all the best way i can. and that comes from meaningful exchanges. 5. From this point on, if you get caught slippin, im just gonna delete and block you off breaks. No hard feelings. i just cant. Members of my FB family that I know and love, am i forgetting anything? Im not gonna be able to remember everyone to tag so forgive me but what comes to mind is : Joy Kmt Kim Katrin Crosby Kylie Brooks Elena Figueroa-Ruiz Mercy Medusa Minah Najma Enitan El Machetero Gilbert Morgan Jezebel Delilah Sai Amrita Kaul Lotus Speaks Tamara Tashna Downes and all the other people who i regularly have exchanges with on here! *whew* ok i think i got it all out.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 06:15:50 +0000

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