Bhagawan Nityananda: Teach-in Teaching ~ Since Bhagawan - TopicsExpress


Bhagawan Nityananda: Teach-in Teaching ~ Since Bhagawan #Nityanandas teachings does not involve any particular lifestyle or rules or customs and were nonbinding, many find easy to follow His teachings in practical life irrespective of what they follow in spirituality. They also find the needed guidance and help from Him at all times. Nityananda brought down eligibility for His grace and eligibility to spiritual ascension with just one simplest yet powerful need - PURITY of the Mind. ~ He almost always spoke with examples to make His expressions clear. His basic teachings from the Chidakasha Gita with gratitude to Tulsi Amma: 1) Living a pure life with Sadbhavana (purity). 2) Keeping the mind like a lotus leaf floating on the water, keep the mind pure and untainted by desire while being immersed in worldly duties. 3) Keeping the mind fully detached but attached to God, never allowing it to be affected by joy or despair. 4) Mind is the root cause of bondage to birth and death cycle and mind is also the root cause of liberation from this cycle of birth and death. 5) First the mind has to be trained to be silenced and then the silenced mind must be established in the real Self. ~ 6) There would be various tests of the mind, emotions, and body, with God waiting for ones reaction to every thought that pops into the mind. Thus, staying alert and detached. 7) Seeing everything that happens in life as an opportunity to gain experience, improvise, and keep rising to higher levels. 8) All bring nothing into this world and can take nothing away from it. 9) The cause of suffering in the world is desire alone. 10) Desires are born with the awareness of a person is outward rather than inward. ~ 11) Desire for objects can disappear only when subtle intelligence develops through consistent practice of the mind. 12) Liberation does not come searching for humans but humans must make efforts to get liberated. 13) Real fulfillment comes not from fulfilling desires but by the dissolving of the you and I (duality) after which one is self-realized. 14) The one who is not affected by praise or insult is the one who is selfless and such a person sees God in everything. 15) Distinctions are made by those who are proud and jealous, who holds discussions about other religion, tradition, cult, and people, and who talks bad behind other peoples backs. ~ 16) God does not do good or bad to man but it is only due to the mans good or bad thoughts that he reaps the circumstances in his life. 17) A man who is protected by his good thoughts cannot be harmed even by a cannon shot. 18) To a good man every man is good and everything is good. You are what you see in others. The world is your own reflection. 19) Real results of tapas (austerities) does not come from desiring the results of the tapas, even if the tapas is done for hundreds of years but tapas done for just a few minutes with no desire of fruits, will reveal within oneself that God is in all and all are in God. 20) God looks at everyone, everyone knows about God but hardly a few look towards God just like the everyone knows of the existence of the sun that shines on all but very few look at the Sun. ~ 21) You must makes attempts to save a bad person by trying to correcting him and not think that he would always remain bad just like you would save a person fallen in the well irrespective of knowing he is good or bad. 22) However wicked or evil a man may be, any moment his wickedness may be changed into goodness. His goodness could not be seen just like the clouds are do not allow the suns rays to be seen but as soon as the clouds scatter away, the sun rays emerge. 23) Moderation should be maintained in food habits by filling half the stomach with food, one-fourth with water and one-fourth empty. 24) One must be regular in taking meals but must not eat when the stomach is full. 25) There is nothing like good food and bad food because fire consumes everything without distinguishing between good and bad. Similarly, a man who is toiling hard can eat anything and everything will be digested. The ones who do not labour are not aware of what to eat and may suffer from indigestion. ~ 26) Too much of sleep must be avoided. 27) The attachment to wealth is the cause of fear because the one who wears gold chains, rings and jewels are always afraid of being robbed. 28) Fear is the creation of the mind that comes from the awareness being outward. 29) As the brain of a six-month old child is still not developed, it remains indifferent to duality having no idea of the body. Such a child will not even knowing the difference between a diamond and a lump of earth because the Prana of the child is always in the Sushumna. 30) Those who have destroyed the mind have no more desires. A diamond is purchased for a huge amount of money but to those who have transcended desire, a diamond is nothing but lump of earth. ~ 31) The nature of properties of earth cannot be changed by merely imagining it to be sugar. Similarly, even a Yogi who has realized the self, still is subject to the limitations of the body. They may be unaware and unaffected of their bodily conditions just like a man feels nothing when even a cobra bites him in deep sleep. 32) Liberation depends on the nature of your devotion, the stronger the devotion the faster, just like the more hard you work the more salary you receive. 33) Say what you do and do what you say. You must speak from what you experience and not from hearsay. 34) If you keep a seed in a box, it will not yield anything but if sowed in the soil and cultivate it, it will yield plenty. From one lamp you can light a thousand lamps. 35) You cannot cross the river even in a boat if you are afraid of water and you cannot heat water if you are afraid of fire. Fear must be banished from the mind because mind is the cause of anything we do. ~ 36) The more you cover your body, the more colder you feel and the more one decorates their bodies, the more prouder they will feel. More of inner work is needed than the outer because outer cleaning is to show others and inner cleaning is for ones own benefit. 37) The knowledge of God must be imparted to others so that others also understand it but first one must realize oneself and then impart it to others. 38) Faith and devotion are important because without faith there can be no devotion. 39) Human life is not easy to get, so when one has got it, all efforts must be made for liberation, which is the goal of life, which is achieved through desirelessness. 40) He is not an outcaste whose skin is black or whose clothes are black but an an outcaste can be a person who has a turban on his head and wristwatch on his wrist if he does not recognize the oneness in all. He is not an outcaste who is a pauper but he is an outcaste who is selfish, jokes and mocks at others, and who has pride and envy. ~ sOUrce:
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 10:35:03 +0000

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