Bhagawan Nityananda: tHe treasUre hUnt witHin ~ Bhagawan - TopicsExpress


Bhagawan Nityananda: tHe treasUre hUnt witHin ~ Bhagawan #Nityananda had realized what he told others: that Everything is Within, He used to say, “All the happiness you desire is within you. It is there in its entirety, in its full manifestation. He was a living example of it. The Human Soul is quite fond of the five treasures - beautiful forms, musical sounds, pleasant tastes, fragrant smells & soothing touches. But there is infinitely more joy found within, than the happiness one derives from sense gratification. All external objects are present in a perfect but subtle form within. ~ 1) Within the heart there is a “Divine Light’ so captivating that the yogi cannot but gaze at it continually and become oblivious of himself. A human body can be said to be a mass of flesh - full of waste matter, unclean and ugly. It is true that when the effulgent divine Consciousness leaves the body, its lifeless appearance is frightening to look at. No matter how much one may have been attached to the body, its dead form repels the onlooker. Just imagine how enchanting that divine Consciousness must be, which can transform this corpse-like body into something so bright, lovable, beautiful and graceful. What brilliance, what power and what sweetness must be inherent in that! Only he who has delved deep into the inner Self can know this. Bhagawan Nityananda used to say, Just have a look at the inner form - how sweet, alluring and joyous it is. Outside, you will not find even a drop of the bliss which is found within. Therefore, Meditate, Meditate, Meditate. ~ 2) The second attraction within is the ‘Inner Sound’. Everyone likes pleasant sounds. This divine inner sound is also called ‘Nada’. It reverberates in the chidakash, the space of consciousness, and through hearing this music, the yogi becomes one with the inner Self. Nada brings divine bliss. There are numerous kinds of nada. The scriptures say that if one listens to it in the proper manner, it puts an end to ones troubles, pains and ailments, and removes the veil of ignorance. It enables one to achieve the ‘Turiya’ state; becomes one with the Divine. Bhagawan Nityananda used to say, The music which you hear outside is nothing. Listen to the music within; it alone can give real satisfaction to the Self. It is the voice of the soul. Turn your mind within and listen to it. ~ 3) The ‘Inner Ambrosia’ constitutes the third attraction for the seeker. This ambrosia is called the great ‘Rasa’, the most relishable juice. As the sadhaka listens to the nada, his mind gets concentrated on the root of the inner ear, his tongue gets drawn up and clings to the vault of the palate; then, because of the inner joy, a spring of amrit (nectar) flows from the sahasrar (the thousand-petalled lotus). Even a little drop of this amrit possesses such divine sweetness that it surpasses the sweetness of all the delicacies of the world. Bhagawan Nityananda used to say, Drink this inner ambrosia, which is the sap of the soul. ~ 4) The ‘Inner Fragrance’ is the fourth wonder of the soul. When a yogis mind and prana get concentrated on the ajna chakra, situated between the eye-brows, divine smells are experienced. Others staying near such yogis can sometimes inhale the divine fragrance emanating from them. ~ 5) The ‘Inner Sensation’ of touch is the fifth treasure within us. When the spiritual centre of the heart opens up, the joy within permeates the whole bode through the prana and one experiences a sort of divine sensation of touch which brings intense happiness. On having this experience the yogi leaps and dances and is mad with joy. ~ sOurce: Bhagawan Nityananda by Swami Muktananda ~ Photo: Blue Pearl Patina 9 Panchaloha (5 Metals) Sculpture of Young Nityananda by Masa Rasa Studios - masarasa
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 11:34:05 +0000

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