Bible prophecies are known to be 100% accurate. Now in revelations - TopicsExpress


Bible prophecies are known to be 100% accurate. Now in revelations it tells us of the beast or anti christ is going to fool a lot of Gods people by performing many miracles and also by promising peace well he then will break the peace agreement and control the world through persecution. He will force everyone to worship him and accept a satanic mark on his or her forehead or right hand now I believe it could be in the form of a micro chip in order to buy sell or trade see Rev 13. Now I believe it would be better to die than be separated from God for eternity but that is me and my thought on this very serious subject. I just want to say to all my brothers and sisters remain strong in your faith and continue to read your bibles be prepared as best you can this is going to happen statistics and history even shows where we are heading. The bible documents it now there are some who would believe that the shadow government and the illumanati is a myth I dont. There are even scholars and people who believe that God and Jesus are made up by the illuminati to throw us off and they believe there is no God well I know there is so no one can tell me different all tho in the last few days I have been reading about this well my testimony is strong and I know about how real Jesus our Saviour is I have been moved by Him brought out by Jesus and saved from death by my Lord and Saviour I have felt His mighty prescense in my life so many times to numerous to even count all I can say is I love each and everyone of you my facebook family my real family be watchful read your bibles be prepared. God Bless each and everyone of you.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 05:25:13 +0000

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