Bibles Schools and Seminaries do not teach tears, they come from a - TopicsExpress


Bibles Schools and Seminaries do not teach tears, they come from a heart touched by God and set aflame by the Holy Ghost. The great Andrew Bonar, lay on his bed on a Saturday night, in Scotland and as the people below tramped the streets, from the taverns and the shows, he would call from his burning heart, Oh! They perish, they perish! It is said of Whitfield that he spent whole days and weeks prostrate on his face before God. Is it any wonder he moved like a flaming fire on the Scottish heather and turned multitudes to righteousness. Before the great revivals in Gallenkirk broke out, Martin Booth spent hours, days and nights in lonely agonies of intercession. Afterwards when he preached, his words were as a flame and the hearts of the people as grass. Who maketh His ministers a flame of fire - Psalm 104:4. No purity of diction, no breadth of mental outlook, no flower of eloquence, no grace of person, can substitute for lack of fire - E. M. Bounds The man who trembled in the presence of a maid; now is the authoritative and fiery Preacher of Acts 3 - I have no money, but such as I have I give thee, in the Name of Jesus rise up and walk. You religious people have crucified the Lord of glory, he shouted. Was this the disciple Peter of a few days before or another? Yes another, and yet the same! Another in that he now had the anointing for power and authority - No preacher can afford to go into the pulpit without it! Dear Preacher, ‘It is as available to us now as then. As we read through Pauls epistles, we see such power in his ministry, such an anointing, such authority. Had he not had a heavenly vision? Had he not met the Lord face to face! How could such an experience be improved upon? - He wrote and preached with heavens authority! He said, I am crucified unto the world, and the world unto me - Perhaps this explains the difference! Dr. Alexander Duff speaking at that great ‘Missionary Conference at Edinburgh, Scotland said, as he addressed a great assembly of youth, If the queen of England ask you to go and defend the borders of the British Empire, you would arise and go immediately. When King Jesus ask you to go, you sit in your seats - Why? Dr. Duane F. Steeves Please use the new e-mail address [email protected]
Posted on: Thu, 29 May 2014 00:51:28 +0000

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