Bilderberg - New World Order? I know too much about them. Let me - TopicsExpress


Bilderberg - New World Order? I know too much about them. Let me just give you a few links. This group consists of the most powerful people on the planet. You will notice great riots wherever they meet. Their agenda is devious. Usually after their meetings, world events will take a sudden turn in some unexpected direction. For example, during the second to last Presidential election, both Obama and Clinton disappeared for a night. They slipped away and dumped all the press. They went to see the Bilderbergs who were meeting in Virginia... and suddenly... Obama was elected. Hillary took a back seat. Just a few things they have done: # At the 1955 Bilderberg meeting held in Germany, members discussed the agenda to form the European Union with a single European currency. Bilderberg chairman Etienne Davignon has boasted that Bilderberg helped to create the Euro. # In 1973 they increased the price of oil to $12 a barrel, a 350% jump. # In 1989 they worked to have British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher removed from office, because she was too euro-sceptic. # At the June 2002 meeting, they decided to postpone the attack on Iraq until March 2003. # In 2005 they discussed imposing a UN tax on people worldwide through a direct tax on oil. # In 2008 they discussed implanting microchips into humans. # In 2009 they discussed how to restructure the global economy, and plans to turn the World Health Organization into a world department of health, and the IMF into a global treasury. One common practice of the Bilderberg Group is to invite potential future heads of state to their meetings, to see if they will go along with their agenda. To cite a few examples, George H. W. Bush attended the 1985 meeting, Bill Clinton attended in 1991, Tony Blair in 1993, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Stephen Harper, and Ramano Prodi, former head of the EU Commission in 1999. Both Barak Obama and Hilary Clinton attended the 2008 meeting in Washington D.C. They are the people who control the politics of America, the presidential elections, etc. They are the puppeteers. However, the top of them all are the international bankers, led by the Rothschilds and the Schiffs, and others.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 13:55:35 +0000

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