Bin Laden, the CIAs man and a member of the Jewish House of Saud, - TopicsExpress


Bin Laden, the CIAs man and a member of the Jewish House of Saud, used as the front man for the Zionist and old Monarchist bloodlines plot to slow the impending collapse of the usury/riba financial system they have installed over the past 300 years, by generating a perpetual war with a fictitious terrorist enemy they themselves manufacture, one that would be impossible to defeat, now called war on terrorism, actually a misnomer covertly and insidiously demonising Islam, so that the actual version of Islam would remain totally unknown to the world at large as the self labelled Muslims are intellectually dead and if known, the whole world would be set free from the demonic psychopathic bloodlines now enslaving the whole of Humanity. They of course do not care about the current Christianised Islam, sectarian versions upheld by the Sunnis and Shias, adopted concepts from Zoroastrianism, Judaism and Christianity to replace the true concepts of Islam and they are happy to keep them fighting one another. They only fear the emergence of proper translations or proper understanding of the Quran based on classical Arabic as the Islamic model has no government, no sovereigns, no ownership beyond that which you create yourself, no taxation, no legislation, no representatives, no charters, no constitutions, no statutes, no acts, no treaties and no corporations, no countries, no states and no capital. Ever heard of the Arabic word Ummah ? It is unlikely Bin Laden lived for long after the events of 911, this propaganda event, with the convenience of a burial at sea to hide any possibility of factual support to the utter bullshit of the media whore the Zionists own and dominate. Every verse applied to every other verse, no compulsion is the foundation of Islam, hard to weigh that against the contrived religion (mazhab, not the Dheen of Islam) of the Saudis, but it is far from irrelevant, it is fundamental. The Jews placed in authority as monarchs over the Muslims of the world in Saudi Arabia are working to drag the contrived religion of Islam into the same sovereign based death cult mentality as Christianity and Judaism, carefully engineered to be seen as brother religions, when all religion without exception is one of the greatest crimes against Humanity, that man has ever invented and then attributed to a fictitious God in the sky, now they confuse the minds of Muslims to believe Allah is the same God of these death cults, and to the shame of self named Muslims, they support and embrace this perspective. Islam demands Allah is the only Sovereign, self named Muslims embrace sovereignty which is the very foundation of the death cult religions. Islam demands Allah is the owner of the Earth, the universe, and all that is in it, self named Muslims embrace slavery giving ownership over to sovereigns without justification or any foundation or right. servantofthelight/content/view/87/119/
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 16:09:50 +0000

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