Bio-medical intervention. Its all slightly controversial and so I - TopicsExpress


Bio-medical intervention. Its all slightly controversial and so I don’t talk about it too often, I don’t hide the fact we do use some bio-medical intervention with Brodie, but I don’t discuss it often either. As far as I am concerned it’s a choice, there is no right and wrong answers and people are able to research and make decisions for themselves. I have friends who do bio-med, I have friends who don’t, I have friends who do ABA, friends who don’t like it, friends who do PECS friends who don’t etc…… what’s important as we are in this journey together and we support each others choices! We choice a bio-med path for Brodie because a friend of ours was researching this path and found a doctor who was interested in it, and advised us to go along and see him. We had some testing done and from that it was clear that there were some imbalances in Brodies body and certainly some issues with his gut. Brodie was a very runny stool type kiddo, who could do up to 10 stools a day, clearly to us something was going on! When Brodie was 4 and he went to Kindy, he loved playdough, the issue was he would just eat it (I don’t think he has ever really understood that this yummy tasting thing is not to eat but just to play with?) Then he would do what we lovingly referred to as a “playdough poo” it was awful and stinky and HUGE! Surely something that huge and gross couldn’t come out of such a small cute child???? The biggest thing that came out of the testing was Brodie Zinc and copper ratio, we should have more zinc and less copper in our bodies, the zinc helps to bring down the copper levels and they balance each other out, Brodies copper levels went off the chart and his zinc was no-where to be seen! (even the doctor swore when looking at the results and not for the first time, we heard that this was the worst case he had ever seen!) Getting a child to take a pile of supplements is not easy, our first tactic was to put it in his drink bottles and he would drink it throughout the day, he was only offered the drinks with the supplements. These children miss nothing and he soon clued onto this and decided to stop drinking altogether, he dehydrated himself and this was scary, ok that tactic didn’t work, so we moved onto transdermal creams! These were great and certainly a key for us in increasing the zinc and decreasing the copper, but it wasn’t enough, not everything we needed to give came in cream form. We travelled to Sydney as a family to meet with biomedical doctors who came over from America and our Doctor went over too and completed training with these doctors to increase his knowledge, later my mum and I went to Melbourne and back to Sydney twice more to learn more and more and try new things. Two huge changes came from these trips – one I have spoken about and that was Methyl B12 injections (which I hail as the one thing which enabled me to hear my sons voice) and the other was the diet which Brodie is still on, it is known as SCD or specific carbohydrate diet. The basis for this diet is as well as being gluten free/dairy free and as clean as possible, it is also all grains free and starches and sugars which turn to starches in the gut are also eliminated, to eliminate any foods which will feed yeast in the gut – bingo, we finally had one or two “typical” stools a day! Finally no more cow patties! (which seeing as at this time, they were still often deposited on the floor! This was HUGE /or smaller lol) We also found a great doctor in Queensland and he was able to compound all that we needed to give Brodie into an individualised multi vitamin powder – Next trick was to get this into him. We started via a syringe – this involved my mum coming to my house twice daily and sitting on Brodie while I syringed the substance into Brodies mouth. While we knew what we were giving him was beneficial, no one wants to be doing this to their child, Brodie also started running away when mum came over and this was sad for all, so we sat brodie up and I syringed and he spat, and I kept syringing, each time getting more and more in his mouth and less spat back out at me! My partner Tim, he likes the easy way and he is very good at pushing the kids to try new things and move them along in their development, so one night when I was out and he was home, he went “stuff this” and he handed Brodie the cup of “yuckies” as they have become known and said “drink this”! low and behold he did! And the fight of the yuckies was over and each day Brodie happily drank his cup of yuckies and we now had an in, to put in any supplements we thought were required! About 5 years later Tim also decided he had , had enough of mixing and squashing all the tablets and making a yuckies drink, so he told Brodie to swallow the tablet and gave him a glass water, and guess what, he did again! Brodie now puts 5 or 6 tablets in his mouth at a time and swallows them all (he is waaaay better at swallowing tablets than me, and his brother Harley weeeel at 18 we still ask for liquid lol) We did take quiet a controversial turn and with another biomed doctor we looked at stem cell treatment. This treatment was called self to self stem cells, and Brodies stem cells were taken from his stomach fat, rejuvenated and awoken with ultra violet light and then mixed with some of Brodies blood and put back into Brodies blood stream. We took the cells out just the once, but they were put back into Brodie on three different occasions. The idea is the rejuvenated stem cells are able to cross the blood brain barrier and they go to areas of inflammation and the rejuvenated the cells in that area to promote healing. What did we see from this? Haha who knows, what we know is Brodie is moving in a forwards direction, the regressions don’t seem to happen often or at all, we keep getting more speech, more understanding, more skills, so whatever has made that happen I don’t know, but it’s the direction we want to be going in. So Brods has been fairly settled and moving along learning new skills, trying new things nicely, but I read recently a meme (memes are life changing lol) that said “ Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there” So even though we are moving forward and things are going well, its time to re-visit our bio-med doctor, check out what new in the world of research in this field and maybe take some bigger jumps ahead.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 03:32:45 +0000

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