Biological Hazard in China on Friday Description Biohazard name: - TopicsExpress


Biological Hazard in China on Friday Description Biohazard name: H7N9 Biohazard level: 4/4 Hazardous Hong Kong heath authorities said on Friday they were monitoring avian flu developments on the mainland after a woman in Guangdong tested positive for the new H7N9 strain. The case involves a 51-year-old woman living in Huizhou, about 100 kilometres northeast of Hong Kong, who had contact with poultry before falling ill. The woman had been tested positive for the H7N9 virus in Guangdong provincial laboratories but her samples were being sent to Beijing for further tests to confirm the result, said. Hong Kong Centre for Health Protection controller Dr Leung Ting-hung. Leung also said Guangdong authorities notified the centre of the case on Friday. The woman had contact with 36 people, none of whom have showed any bird flu symptoms, Leung said, citing information provided by Guangdong authorities. Leung said that given the busy traffic between Hong Kong and mainland, it was possible that the virus could spread into the city. He said a team of Hong Kong health officials and experts would visit Guangdong to meet their counterparts next week to get more information about the new case. Hong Kong would also continue preventive measures put in place months ago, Leung said. These include the surveillance of travellers’ heath at border stations and raising doctors’ awareness on how to identify patients with avian flu symptoms. Biohazard name: H7N9 Biohazard level: 4/4 Hazardous Biohazard desc.: Viruses and bacteria that cause severe to fatal disease in humans, and for which vaccines or other treatments are not available, such as Bolivian and Argentine hemorrhagic fevers, H5N1(bird flu), Dengue hemorrhagic fever, Marburg virus, Ebola virus, hantaviruses, Lassa fever, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, and other hemorrhagic or unidentified diseases. When dealing with biological hazards at this level the use of a Hazmat suit and a self-contained oxygen supply is mandatory. The entrance and exit of a Level Four biolab will contain multiple showers, a vacuum room, an ultraviolet light room, autonomous detection system, and other safety precautions designed to destroy all traces of the biohazard. Multiple airlocks are employed and are electronically secured to prevent both doors opening at the same time. All air and water service going to and coming from a Biosafety Level 4 (P4) lab will undergo similar decontamination procedures to eliminate the possibility of an accidental release. Symptoms: Status: confirmed
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 20:11:42 +0000

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