Bisingnya tin-tin kosong ni so meh kita tuang apa yang patut dalam - TopicsExpress


Bisingnya tin-tin kosong ni so meh kita tuang apa yang patut dalam tin-tin ni biar senyap sikit. Apparently the dog-touching event has become so sensationalised thanks to our blooming scholars and their ever-enlightening theories. I don’t always check my facebook or twitter and thankfully my instagram is not chaotic but being one of the participants of the event, I had friends reporting to me how it has become such an issue. I started realising when I was checking one of the hashtags on instagram and found a picture with all these typical bashing comments and I couldn’t sit still. So there I was writing an essay on a stranger’s instagram. They question the objective of the event and how the event doesn’t have an official website to explain and how the event is not supported by Muslim scholars and how the children will be influenced to have dogs and how there are other ways to create awareness bla bla bla etc etc etc. So this was my response: Were you even there? Were you there to witness how the non-Muslims also learn the sertu process and how they now know more than you the difference between sertu and samak? Were you there to hear the enlightenment from the ustaz who has asked around other scholars for confirmation before he educated us? Were you there to feel how beneficial the event was for both Muslims and non-Muslims? You simply looked at it as an “umat akhir zaman” punya event instead of majlis ilmu? Sudah2 la jadi penetap hukum. And yes the kids will ask us for all that tapi kita sebagai parents or future parents persiapkan la diri with knowledge to educate them and properly explain to them. Sorry that they don’t have an official website so I’m here to give you the clear cut objecctives of their event. If you think something better can be done then please take the honour and create an event or awareness or whatever you think is right to enlighten us more. And a bit to add on the last part. At least the organiser had the guts to create such an event. My friends remark who was also a participant of the event said it was to eradicate the sense of hate towards the animals and because what is taught in our culture (yes culture, not religion) is to use halal and haram as a cover. There are many things that we do that are haram. All the smoking mengumpat tinggal solat etc. The event helped to educate us to know what to do when the NEED arises. Kids need to know that Muslims can’t have dogs as pets but neither can we shun them. He claimed to learn a lot about the sertu and samak and the dogs and how to approach them and how a dog can bridge all of us with different ideologies culturally and religiously. He was just happy he attended it. And so was I, so were all of us. But of course people outside had to ruin everything. Standard la Malaysia kan. Like another friend of mine said, I guess the awareness program is working ;p, people are now more aware but the attitude still needs fixing. And another said, the fact remains ada pandangan from different mazhab yg membenarkan so why so much fuss? Nak bash tapi takleh nak lay out the different pandangan. I am not that well-versed pun in this issue but I hope I get to make people view the event through the eyes of a witness. There definitely is a thin line between the educated and the konon educated I guess. Jom la sama2 sambung belajar. Sama2 belajar cara menegur dan berdakwah. Dah nampak sangat dah niat nak berdakwah tu. Polish sikit lagi. Sekian.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 09:43:08 +0000

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