Bismillah ... entahlah sbb masa limited and i hari ni mmg tengah - TopicsExpress


Bismillah ... entahlah sbb masa limited and i hari ni mmg tengah sedih sikit so .. tengokla mcmana dapat ker tak short essay ni mentackel 3 juri huhu RACIAL HARMONY IN MALAYSIA – PAST PRESENT AND THE FUTURE Malaysia is a multireligious, multicultural and multiracial country. To understand the depth of racial harmony in Malaysia, let us reflect our past from the vision of our first prime minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj. In his speech, Tunku explained that British colonial policy had created a multi-racial polity that was divided and for the first time in the history of Malaya, the races in the country were united in their determination to achieve Merdeka. It wasn’t an easy task. After wining the first election in 1955, Tunku led a team of negotiators to London to discuss Malaya’s independence with the British Colonial Office. The British had confidence in Tunku because they felt he was moderate. That Tunku was a prince and that he enjoyed the respect of the Malay and non-malay communities. Upon his returned from London Tunku’s first speech was a call for unity. He said “ the situation in this country is different from other countries in the world. Because of this one race cannot take everything for itself. In order to set up and independent government, we must compromise and make sacrifices”. I wasn’t born in 1955 however, whenever there was an issue regarding racial harmony in Malaysia I will reflect upon the struggle to achieve Merdeka and Tunku vision to understand how hard it is to unite a multireligious, multicultural and multiracial country. I personally think those who have lived or grew in that era would understand the agony of those times. Thus race, religion and politics was never a really “big issue” during those era. If you were religious you were religious, if you were not you were not. Basically no one cared what you did and everyone let lived. This is because they understand the extent of sacrifices that were made to preserve peace and security. Let us not forget the racial tension during May 13 ethnic riots. I think many would agree regardless of their race it is a dark blot in nation’s history. These riots have taken terrible toll on lives, livehoods and resources. Therefore we must never again descend into this as it will bring down the entire nation. These riots should be the lasting reminder of the danger playing about with sensitivities, customs and traditions of country’s various ethnic groups. Prior to this, the ideology of 1Malaysia designed by our Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Najib Abdul Razak stresses national unity and ethnic tolerance. Wide range of activities is being promoted to inculcate the 1Malaysia concept. Unfortunately the strengthen and commitment from all Malaysian are being tarnished by people in this country who wish to end this ideology. This is our present. I see possibility of rejection. 2014 is the most difficult year for Malaysia. The year of street protests, the year of political agenda and the year of dark turmoil for the country. Democracy used to be a new cult, people stand in polite reserve however after the repeal of ISA act, everyone wants to be heard but no one wants to listen. The poor and needy sees misery and want, the rich often disagree and the political group sees opportunity to break ethnicity. I can’t pretend like nothing change. Something has change for the past 60 years for sure. Everyone wants a relationship, but why be in relationship if not to be loved, cherished made to feel special and safe? The same applies to racial harmony. What can we do to improve racial harmony in Malaysia? This should be the event highlighted to promote unity for Malaysian, an event all Malaysian should stop using abusive languages against one another, learn acceptance and forget they are Malays, Chinese, Indians or others but to be recognize as one nation. Cultural sensitivity and awareness should be an ongoing campaign to understand there are differences among cultures so we won’t allow our cultural differences to become the basis of criticism and judgments. As a citizen of Malaysia, my hope for future racial harmony is to stand up for moderation. No mob of angry Muslims protesting against the possible use word of Allah, no thousand Catholics expect an angry mob of Muslim protest, no Chinese making unnecessary statements and no Indians felt left behind. Whether in politics, religion and culture It should not be too extreme, partisan nor radical. Hopefully the future is all about acceptance, unity, harmony and a fresh start for all Malaysian.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 11:13:25 +0000

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