Bleach characters! You have just learned that Orihime and Chad are - TopicsExpress


Bleach characters! You have just learned that Orihime and Chad are dating! How do you respond? admin~ MORE CHAD LOVE!! you sado :3 Ginjo: You’re welcome, everyone. Riruka: What are you going on about now, Ginjo?? Ginjo: Obviously they’re dating now because they bonded during the fullbringer arc. Because we matter. Ginjo: We do. Yoruichi: Actually, they bonded much earlier than that. Back when I trained the two of them. I knew they had some chemistry then! Ginjo: CAN’T WE FULLBRINGERS HAVE ANYTHING?? Ichigo: Ohhhh….so THAT’S why Inoue brought Chad bread from her bakery job! Ishida: She brought you bread too, Kurosaki. Ichigo: Yeah, but she obviously had more romantic intent when it came to Chad! Ichigo: Can’t say I blame her. Chad’s a great guy. Renji: So girls like the strong, silent type, eh? Renji: They don’t get…frustrated? By the lack of any useful communication? Rukia: No I think that’s just you, Renji. Renji: I JUST WANTED HIM TO TALK TO ME!! Rukia: I dunno.This ship makes sense to me. Orihime likes men who are kind and protective. Tatsuki: And Sado likes things that are cute, andNOTHING is cuter than Orihime! Ishida: Well. I can’t say I’m pleased about this. But it’s hard to find fault with Sado. And Inoue-san is, of course, perfect. Ishida: I just… Ishida: How did this even happen?! Renji is right - Sado is, like, the least communicative guy ever! Orihime: You don’t need to say much to ask someone out, Ishida-kun. Chad: [nods] Urahara: Plus you each understand the other’s desire to get stronger. Tessai: Yes. It must be rough, being practically the only humans in a cast full of supernatural beings. Ichigo: Um…I am technically human too, you know. Tessai: Are you, though? Keigo: What’s wrong wtih all of you? Chad’s this, Orihime’s that - what matters here is that Orihime is WAY out of Chad’s league! How did Chad manage this?? Mizuiro: They both have powers that are different than those of the main cast. They both know about loneliness. They’re both without family. And they both view the world in a similar way - as a place that would, ideally, have no violence at all. Mizuiro: So they make sense, as a couple. Orihime: M-Mizuiro… Chad: That was beautiful, man. Mizuiro: Well, I am ship guy.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 02:56:14 +0000

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