Body scrubs have been around for thousands of years. During - TopicsExpress


Body scrubs have been around for thousands of years. During ancient Egyptian times both men and women would scrub their bodies to soften their skin exposed to the arid desert conditions and to avoid fine lines and wrinkles. Exfoliation is still a critical beauty treatment with a great number of health and beauty benefits coming from the humble body scrub. Body scrub benefits; Whats not to love. The body scrub works by: removing dead skin cells and dirt from the outermost layers of the skin, create glowing skin, revitalising texture and tone of skin, moisturising and replacing natural oils, stimulating blood flow, encourage cell renewal and works to eliminate excess fluids and toxins, tighten and firm the skin and to reduce cellulite. How do body scrubs work? Essentially body scrubs exfoliate. Exfoliation is critical - not just for your face, but also for your body. When your body wants to release toxins it releases them through its largest organ - the skin. When you have a really good exfoliation it forces your body to shed all the nasty toxins that are contained in the outer layer of your skin, and forces skin cell renewal. This is why exfoliating prior to spray tan appointments is critical. A fake tan is only going to stay put as long as the skin cells do, so if you have the freshest skin possible, youll have the greatest chance at keeping your tan longer. Other benefits; When you scrub you stimulate blood flow and this in turns increases circulation. The result of this is that it firms the skin and works to improve cellulite. If you have a look at all the skin firming and cellulite treatments on the market, most of the include the ingredient caffeine because coffee grounds have said to be the best natural ingredient for tightening the skin. I normally make my own with the amazing turkish grounded Mocha & Columbian coffee mixed with a few drops of pure Aromatherapy oils or you can also add in pure coconut oil. I also love the collection that #FrankCoffee #scrub have!!!
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 10:39:42 +0000

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