Bolton South Easts Yasmin Qureshis reply to my fracking concerns.. - TopicsExpress


Bolton South Easts Yasmin Qureshis reply to my fracking concerns.. Thoughts? Dear Alex, Fracking (Shale Gas Exploration) Thank you for contacting me recently to express your concern about fracking. I am opposed to fracking as I believe the environmental concerns far outweigh the potential short-term economic benefits. I am also aware of the very serious concerns that many local people and environmental campaigners have about fracking, particularly following the two earthquakes which took place in the North West in 2011. As I am sure you are aware, an independent report concluded these earthquakes were likely to have been caused by fracking and I share the deep concern about the potential for fracking to resume in the region and more widely across the country. Not only have we seen the potential dangers of fracking in the North West, but it has also been banned in France over environmental concerns and there is a de-facto ban on fracking in Germany. Several other countries have also either imposed bans or moratoria on fracking and there is also a lot of evidence of environmental damage from fracking in the USA, particularly in Pennsylvania. Furthermore, whilst fracking tends to takes place in remote areas in the USA, the proposed sites in the UK are in more densely-populated areas. I am also aware that some home insurers have indicated that they will not cover households for damage caused by fracking, which I know will be a further cause of concern for homeowners in our region and across the country. For all these reasons, I believe that fracking should not be permitted in the UK and I am very concerned that the Government seems so adamant that it should be given the green light. Indeed, the Government seems to believe that fracking is the silver bullet to solve our energy problems, even though there are very clear environmental dangers to fracking, and even after experts including the Governments Chief Scientific Adviser has warned that it is highly unlikely that fracking will have a significant impact on energy prices in the UK. I am aware that Julie met with Bolton Against Fracking in February, and I hope to be able to meet the group myself in the near future, although this will probably have to be during recess, owing to my Parliamentary commitments. I can assure you that I will continue to raise my opposition to fracking with the Government and I thank you once again for writing to me and for sharing your views. Yours sincerely, Yasmin Qureshi Member of Parliament for Bolton South East
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 09:35:33 +0000

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