Booo hooo it was a LIL warm today.. thank u to kids at practice - TopicsExpress


Booo hooo it was a LIL warm today.. thank u to kids at practice today it was a very productive, n u guys practiced hard.. all where hydrated n safe... on to the bad. I dont care if its hot, or raining or 5 deg n snowing. Whats gonna happen on game days when its weather other then 60 to 70 deg n nice out? Gonna keep kids at home? So they can either play outside anyway or play xbox all day? Just think out west they pract n play in 110 deg weather everday n r just fine. I cant speak for others but iv not been on a staff that didnt give water breaks or not give enhalers when needed.. we never canc pract or game due to weather short a tornado n same with all b4 me n all still here n just fine.all kids went home today n just as nutty as they where b4 pract. 91 tom n chance of storms so bring water jugs n umbrellas tom pract as norm. Push kids to b better stronger n work harder never give up n they will b better for it, put em bubbles n shelter em n teach its ok to stay home its a tad hot even though there team mates r there n well who knows. Tired of the video game lazy stuff.. n besides if we canc practice today 95 perc of those very same kids would have done what? Fuking played outside in the damn heat wtf
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 01:32:30 +0000

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