Branding one as a Psychic... I would like to share an - TopicsExpress


Branding one as a Psychic... I would like to share an experience of one of my friends who is a psychiatrist by profession. Around the year 2001 the psychiatrist was consulted by a businessman around 50years old complaining about his wife having sleep disturbances, lack of interest in day to day activities and suspiciousness about his behavior for a month. The psychiatrist advised him to bring his wife for consultation. The businessman was very reluctant but finally agreed to bring his wife. Few days later he came with his wife for consultation. The psychiatrist talked with the wife but she never replied back. She seemed to be very depressed. She was put on medications and advised review. The business couple was very regular in their consultations and treatment schedule. Years passed by but the wife never seemed to improve even after several psychotherapy sessions. The husband was very caring and supportive all through the treatment course. The psychiatrist even appreciated the husband for his continued support to his wife but the psychiatrist was never really able to understand the real psychopathology behind her behavior. In the year 2006 the psychiatrist went to attend a medical conference to a nearby city. He was given accommodation in a star hotel. The last day of conference he was offered a party in the hotel by the organisers.In the party he noticed the hotel servants giving special attention to one specific person. The man seemed quite familiar to the psychiatrist. Yes the man was none other than the businessman who used to bring his wife for treatment. The businessman was accompanied by a young girl .The psychiatrist was very curious and enquired the hotel officials about the person. They told he was their prime customer and the girl was his personal assistant. The organizers told the person was a regular customer in their hotel. The psychiatrist was eager to speak to the person but left to his hometown without identifying himself. He had many unanswered questions in his mind. Few months later the businessman brought his wife for treatment as usual. The psychiatrist asked the businessman to wait outside and started to talk to his wife. He shared his experience about her husband in the hotel with her. As he mentioned the incident for the very first time in five years the lady started to cry. The psychiatrist probed further. The wife started to narrate her problem. Few years back she has once incidentally noticed her husband sharing bed with another woman in their house. She argued about that to him. She called her relatives to help her. But the husband had a very good name with the relatives so none was prepared to listen to her. The businessman took it to his advantage. He started to consult a few psychiatrists before coming to him to brand her a mentally ill person. The psychiatrist asked” why didn’t you tell me the reason in your previous interviews?” She told her husband threatened to divorce her and even harm her if she reveals the truth. The psychiatrist consoled her and asked the businessman to come. He told him “your wife is completely cured of her illness. She doesn’t want to take medications anymore.” The businessman’s face turned red. He tried to convince the psychiatrist saying she still had sleep disturbances and anger outbursts. The psychiatrist advised the businessman to come for follow up two weeks later. But he never returned. The psychiatrist now feels the husband would have gone to any other mental professional to brand the poor lady. He still regrets his decision to have sent the businessman away.He everyday thinks about the poor lady whom he could not help. What could have he done to help the poor lady any suggestions? LETS make the Difference. Source:
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 00:23:09 +0000

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