Brethren let us pray this prayer...... Father in the name of - TopicsExpress


Brethren let us pray this prayer...... Father in the name of YaHShua, I come before you to thank you and to glorify your name. And also to make my request be made known to you. However father it is written in order for me to be able to go before you and make my request be made known to you, I need to be Holy as you are Holy. But because of sin I have fallen short of your glory. But you said, if I confess my sins, you are faithful and just to remove all the iniquities that is found in me, then you make my bodies your temple where your Holy Spirit dwells . But you said, If I defile my body, your temple you will destroy me . Father if I have defile my body which is your temple I ask you to forgive me. For I have sinned against you. Father the word that I speak is spirit, life and death comes out of it. Hence YaHShua said, For every idle word that I speak, I will be held accountable for it on the day of judgment, it is by my words I will condemned and It is by my words I will be justified . Father if I have said any words that has lead me to any condemnination or has come as a curse to others I have sinned against you please forgive me. Father you said, The words that comes out of my mouth must be of edification, exaltation, comfort, if it is correction it must be corrected in love. Father your word said If I know the good that I have to do, but fail to do it. It is a sin. Father forgive me for the sins of omittion that I may have committed. Father you loved me so much so that you send your son to die on the torture stick for my sins. And you forgive me my past sins, my present sins, even my future sin. However your forgiving me is dependent upon my decision to forgive those that has wronged me. Today father I make a conscience decision to forgive each and everyone who has sinned against me. And I asked you father to forgive them as they do not know what they are doing. And father bless them in abundance in the name of YaHShua. Father your word says, My people who are called by my name if they humble themselves and seek my face I shall hear their prayer and heal their land. Father right now by faith I believe you have heard my prayer, by faith you have healed my land, by faith I can now enter into the Holy of Holies to make my request be made known to you. For your word says, Dont be enxious for nothing but with prayer and supplication and thanks giving let your request be made known to me . Father here is my prayer. I thank you father for your protection through out the year 2014. I thank you for your provision. Father as I am getting into the year 2015 I ask you to lead me, to guide me, to take control of my life. I ask you to shut all the doors the enemy opened in my life in 2014 and open all the doors the enemy shut down in the same year. Father I ask you to increase my territories in finance, in health, in wisdom and in spirit for the year 2015. I thank you fathet in the name of YaHShua. So be it. Shalom Pastor Washington
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 18:36:50 +0000

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