Britain has pledged £395 million of foreign aid whilst, according - TopicsExpress


Britain has pledged £395 million of foreign aid whilst, according to the UN “over 45 local and multinational companies have expressed their intent to invest over $3 billion across the agricultural value chain in Grow Africa countries [a Programme of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) established by the African Union in 2003.].” In order to get their hands on some of the corporations billions however, African nations are required to “change their seed laws, trade laws and land ownership in order to prioritise corporate profits over local food needs”, Mozambique e.g. is contracted, The Guardian tell us to “systematically cease distribution of free and unimproved seeds", and is drawing up new laws granting intellectual property rights (IPR) of seeds, that will "promote private sector investment". In other words, laws are being written that allow foreign companies – ‘investors’ (a word used to mislead and bestow legitimacy) - to grab the land of their African ‘partners’, patent their seeds and monopolise their food markets. In Ghana, Tanzania and Ivory Coast, similar regulations sit on the table waiting to be rubber-stamped.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 09:25:23 +0000

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