Bruce Thomas via Patricia Gillespie McAllister Facebook is so - TopicsExpress


Bruce Thomas via Patricia Gillespie McAllister Facebook is so quick to block users who post the truth, while they are lying, stealing, and cheating. Follow this lawsuit, and wait for your $10,000 settlement! The claimants are attempting to block Facebook from scanning private messages and are looking to claim up to $10,000 for each user affected. Facebook faces class-action lawsuit in US for allegedly sharing private messaging data to advertisers. The class action lawsuit has been brought by Facebook users Matthew Campbell and Michael Hurley on behalf of all 166 million users in the US who have sent weblinks on the site via private messages. They claim, citing independent research from a Swiss security firm, that Facebook is violating California state laws and the Electronic Communications Privacy Act by scanning the content of messages that contain links to third-party websites and searching for information to profile the senders’ web activity. The lawsuit goes on to accuse Facebook of profiting from the information by sharing it with marketers and data aggregators. An attorney for the claimants says in the complaint filed with a San Jose court earlier this week that the scanning is “a mechanism for Facebook to surreptitiously gather data in an effort to improve its marketing algorithms and increase its ability to profit from data about Facebook users”.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 04:48:02 +0000

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