Bula..!!! Ok so Ive just returned from an amazing weekend in Fiji - TopicsExpress


Bula..!!! Ok so Ive just returned from an amazing weekend in Fiji where my partner & i were treated to some of the most incredible hospitality ever! So i thought id write a little bit about our experiences, just incase you or someone you know is heading over to Fiji soon, coz you’ve gotta check these places out!! Firstly shouts out to the Sheraton Fiji Resort for the excellent room over looking the beach, the chilled bottle of champaign & plate of fresh exotic fruits on arrival! Watching the sunset with my girl from our own beachfront view while sipping on champaign is so very bliss. Then off to the best bar & restaurant in Nadi for dinner at Cardos Fiji, where we met the most amazing hosts. Cardos opened his bar in 1990 which i learnt all about from his son Shay & daughter Chloe who are now helping to run this fine establishment. After our beautiful meal we tried a few devine cocktails at the Mojito Bar while listening to one of the tightest cover bands I’ve ever heard. The next morning my bro Rich Henry from BlueSky, who is my main man & promoter in Fiji, drove us an hour or so into the hills until we arrived at the Sleeping Giant Zipline. Being strapped into a harness & flying from tree to tree on a couple of wires has to be the most fun way to see a forest! We then took the 20min walk towards the waterfall, eating hand picked fruit that our guide would climb up to get us while we passed trees & vines that were around 400 years old. As the day got hotter & as we started to heat up from the walk, we arrived at the waterfalls in perfect time to jump in & cool off. We could’ve stayed there all day it was that lush, but it was getting close to soundcheck time, so we drove towards the ocean for some lunch & then back towards Nadi to start setting up for the show at Cardos. I was in Fiji to help raise money for Animals Fiji animalsfiji.org West Charity Trust Society who are doing wonderful things for their communities around animal health & education. They are needing to raise about $300 000 for a new facility in Nadi & I’m proud to say that we helped pull together just over $3500 that night through ticket sales, auctions & donations. An awesome night was had by all & there were so many happy people who travelled from all over Fiji to be there for the occasion. I got to jam with local legend Knox Fiji & make some great friends who i will no doubt see again in November when I’m back to play Blue Sky Spring Break. On our last day in Fiji my awesome hosts Rich, Shay & Chloe organised for us to travel out to Cloud Break which is where the surf pros are being held right now. This is one of Kelly Slaters most favorite breaks & we were amping about the possibility of seeing some of the pros surf. But unfortunately there was no wind & it was super calm, but that meant I could ride the jet ski all the way out to Cloud Break & check out the floating cocktail bar I’ve been hearing so much about called Cloud 9. This was the highlight of the trip for me. Blasting through the ocean on a jet ski with my girl on the back, heading towards a floating cocktail bar thats 20kms out from the mainland, now that sounds like a scene from a music video! When we arrived at Could 9 & jumped onboard, we were treated to some beautiful cocktails & amazing views of the crystal clear ocean. They even had a pizza oven onboard which is exactly what you feel like after a snorkel around the reef & a few bombs off the balcony. With tasty pizza, awesome beats, amazing cocktails, incredible views & beautiful friends to enjoy it all with, Cloud 9 would have to be one of the coolest party spots I’ve been to. Im seriously thinking about putting on a party there one day, under the sun & then the full moon. What a party! Sadly we had to make our way back to the mainland but not without picking up one of our hosts Shay who shot away to catch some waves at the Wilkes break. Once we had him onboard the main boat, my girl & i took the jet ski back to the mainland but this time with Rachel driving. If any of you guys know my girl Rachel then you know she’s a bit of a nutter when it comes to things like Jet Skis. So I’m hanging on like a plastic bag flapping in the wind while Rachel thrashes it towards the mainland. And to make things even more exciting the petrol warning light started to beep with about 10kms to go. But alas, we made it back safe & sound with enough time to watch another amazing sunset at the Sheraton Resort before going for our last meal & cocktails at Cardos. This was my 3rd time playing in Fiji but was by far the most memorable. I got to experience so much & meet so many awesome people in the 3 days i was there. So if you are heading to Fiji or know anyone who is going there soon, then share this post & make sure you check out these wicked spots. You will love it! Bula Vinaka Fiji. *tiki*
Posted on: Wed, 28 May 2014 07:50:41 +0000

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