“But by the grace of God!” the idiot boldly proclaimed. - TopicsExpress


“But by the grace of God!” the idiot boldly proclaimed. Yeah, yeah…I know! ‘Idiot’ isn’t a very kind or Christian way to refer to someone, but I figured since I was talking about myself anyway, it was open season on self-degradation. “I’m my own boss anyway…right?” See, there I go again! (Idiot) This little “Me vs. Me” debate came about earlier as I sat at my desk having one of my occasional & reflective ‘then & now’ moments. I recognized the “Me” who timidly approached those fabled crossroads in the beginning – on one side, the flashy, neon, firework-extravaganza, pride-fulfilled sign of ‘LIFE’ pointing in every direction…on the other, the old wooden and rugged sign labeled ‘SALVATION’ pointing straight up. It was a toss-up for sure. “Hmmm. I bet I can do both and still be okay. God’s grace, right?” (Idiot) I could then see “Me” performing that precarious and ungraceful balancing act, doing my absolute best to walk ‘the straight and narrow’ but occasionally stepping onto the gloriously paved and enticing road of life. “It’s all good! God forgives, so I can sin a little here and there and then He’ll forgive me all over again. God’s grace, right?” I said as I tip-toed sarcastically back onto SALVATION. “But by the grace of God!” (Idiot) Sad thing is, my balancing act is no different than most people I know…making every attempt to maintain a good and steady pace on that straight and narrow path, but still managing to justify those occasional missteps with the idea that grace will be there to rescue them…will be their ‘get-out-of-jail-free’ or ‘stay-out-of-hell-hopefully’ card. Think about it this way for a moment...and really allow this concept to envelop your soul: “Grace is more than a principle, more than an idea, more than a doctrine or dogma, more than a cover-up for sin. Grace is a person. And his name is Jesus.” [Judah Smith, Jesus is ___] Jesus did not say to follow this evangelist or that religious mandate, nor did He suggest following your mind, gut, or heart. Jesus said, I am the Road, also the Truth, also the Life. No one gets to the Father apart from me. [John 14:6 MSG] Grace has already paved the way. Follow Him.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 22:05:24 +0000

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