By:Raja Zahid A Khanzada Dallas: Sound and vision foundation - TopicsExpress


By:Raja Zahid A Khanzada Dallas: Sound and vision foundation hosted a conference on “Stand with prophet on hate and terrorism” at Curtis Colwell Convention Center in Garland Texas. The fund raising event was for building a Muslim Center to provide a forum to combat negative propaganda against Muslims in America, and to provide a facility to educate Muslims on issues. However, an anti-Muslim protest rally was called to obstruct the event. Around one thousand protesters came from many parts of the country were there with banners, placards and posters, full of anti-Muslim slogans and epithets. A peace rally by Muslim youth group was also organized to present a counter narrative to the hate groups. A biker’s gang was also running up and down to harass the peace rally participants. Placards and banners were placed with hateful messages against Muslims, one placard said “You are not American, don’t hold our flag”, “People of Texas will not remain silent”, “Go home and take Obama with you”, “Texas is Sharia Free Zone”, some of the placards were full of insults to prophet Mohammad (PBUH). Some of the protestors were on heavy motorcycles with loud noises as they were circling around the peace rally for hours. The Co- Chairman of Muslim Democratic Caucus Syed Fayyaz Hassan and ex-President of Texas Muslim Democratic Caucus Aftab Siddiqui were also in the participants of the peace rally. Talking to Geo/ Jang correspondent Mr. Hassan said that it is sad to see the expression of hatred against a peaceful and law abiding community. We are committed to not compromise on our freedom of speech, assembly and religion. Hundreds of Muslims, community supporters and peace activists also participated in the peace rally, Texas House candidate in last election, Sameena Karamally, Don Dillard, Mavis Belisle and other participants from Dallas Peace Center were also in the participants. The peace rally participants were holding placards with slogans as “Jesus message is love”, “Don’t be afraid of others faith and be not hateful”, “I am proud to be American”, “We love Jesus”, One local resident was holding a sign “My country protects me and my right of speech”. Both rallies kept going for hours, though no harmful incident happened during this exchange. A large contingent of local police was present to control any situation. Some of the protesters said that they are here to prevent any sharia law in this country. On the other hand Muslim participants said that they are US citizens and they love this country as any other American. They said that they live here as this is their home and they cannot even think of leaving this place. The event at convention center was addressed by New York’s Imam Siraj Wahaj of American Muslim Alliance as a Key note speaker. Conference organizer Malik Mujahid of Sound and Vision while addressing the conference said that a hateful campaign ran against the event on social media. He said we want to promote peace and harmony in American society, and not let terrorists hijack our religion. He said 7 million Americans share this opinion. Georgetown University Professor John Esposito while addressing the gathering said that the purpose of this conference is to ponder on the causes of hatred against Muslims and to discuss the anti-Muslim rhetoric. On the other hand the protestors also showed anger against the Garland School District for providing Curtis Culwell Center to Muslims gathering. The Center administration in response said that the Center is a public property and we cannot discriminate against any group or faith as long as they abide by the rules
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 06:55:44 +0000

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