By Tim Powers, New York Revolution, Greene county leader... THE - TopicsExpress


By Tim Powers, New York Revolution, Greene county leader... THE RISE OF THE NEW YORK RESISTANCE NETWORK Let me begin with the preamble to the United States Constitution, the supreme law of the land. We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. In January of 2013, New York State Governor, Andrew Cuomo, upon hearing of the mass killing at Sandy Hook Elementary school, decided to take it upon himself to be the first in the nation to impose the most draconian gun legislation that any state in the union has ever seen. Through a classic three men in a room, late night back room deal that so many in New York have become accustomed to, the New York SAFE act was born. Cuomo then pushed this legislation through under a message of necessity meaning that it was NOT given the traditional three days for debate or consideration by the full Legislature. In fact, most of the members barely had enough time to actually read it. So came to pass, the birth of the New York Resistance network. Now, a year later, January 2014, almost to the day, Governor Cuomo has decided to broaden his horizons once again and declare that if you are an EXTREME CONSERVATIVE who believes in the right to life, the right to keep and bear arms, or who may be anti-gay, YOU HAVE NO PLACE IN NEW YORK!!! His hypocrisy has really showed up this time as he claims to be a devout Catholic, yet he just told members of his own faith as well as members of other faiths that New York is not the place for them because of their belief. Not to mention the year old assault on our second amendment rights. The New York Resistance network is made up of many grass roots organizations united for the preservation and restoration of our founding principles. Each organization excels in its own unique strength. For example: The New York Revolution organization has taken the stance of non-compliance and peaceful disobedience to the SAFE act. They have also formed a prepper branch as well as a three percenter branch as a first line of DEFENSE. NY2A grass roots coalition is concentrating on the political front by encouraging voter registration, raising up committeemen, and informing the masses as to the limits being placed on our Freedom. SCOPENY has been instrumental in beating back the Cuomo propaganda machine by funding the anti- SAFE act billboards that have been seen around the Albany (capital) area . The New York State Rifle and Pistol association is leading the legal charge against the SAFE act through court filings and appearances. While all of these groups may have minor ideological differences, such as the compliance issue, at the end of the day, they all STAND in one accord for the cause of Freedom and Liberty. Although they are hoping for the best, they are preparing for the worst. Case and point, one of the members of the coalition is a 24 year old mother of three small children, co-owns a small buissness with her husband, and has decided to run for the New York State Senate in November from Orleans county. She recently packed up her children and traveled 4.5 hours across the state in order to speak at a anti-SAFE act forum in Warrensburg,NY. Now if she can do this with so much on her plate already, what more can each and every EXTREME CONSERVATIVE do in their own community? I encourage each and every reader to get involved in some way, whether it be a donation of your time to one or all of the groups or a donation of money towards operating expenses or the legal defense fund. We are the last line of defense against the tyranny that Governor Andrew Cuomo is forcing upon us. If you choose to do nothing else, at least see to it that your family and friends are registered to vote and by all means, lets vote Cuomo out in November!! Remember what the preamble is WE THE PEOPLE, NOT HE THE GOVERNOR! If you take nothing else from this article, remember these words: Tyranny is achieved when good men do nothing. As always fellow Patriots, stay safe and be aware of your surroundings.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 00:33:35 +0000

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