CAMPBELL Newman has conceded Labor could win the next election and - TopicsExpress


CAMPBELL Newman has conceded Labor could win the next election and warned an alliance with minor parties and Independents would herald chaos for Queensland. Speaking on 4BC this morning, Mr Newman said that the contest “would be tight”. He said there was now a real risk of the same kind of government that occurred in Canberra coming to Queensland. “The Labor Party could win with the support of independents and minor parties and if that was to happen, that would spell chaos for Queensland,” he said.We would see the same situation frankly that we have seen in Canberra for the last seven or eight years. We don’t want that. These are uncertain times. We need a strong team to take the state forward.” Latest polls show the LNP and Labor evenly posed on primary support while Mr Newman is at risk of being a one-term wonder in his Brisbane electorate of Ashgrove. The Premier said the polling was the result of the Government having to make tough decisions to clean up the mess left by Labor but voters could be won back during the election. “Why are people responding in that particular way?” he said. “Well we have had to make difficult decisions, strong decisions, but we are getting the state back on track, because we have done these things, and I believe in the campaign there is an opportunity for people to do the compare and contrast. “Because the other side don’t have a plan and they are bringing back the old gang, the people who got us into the mess.” His admission comes after a poll in his seat of Ashgrove suggested he would astruggle to retain the seat against Labor’s Kate Jones. Mr Newman also has given his Labor predecessor a surprise pat on the back for improving education in the state. Mr Newman was asked on talkback radio on Thursday whether he should be claiming credit for the state’s improved NAPLAN results. The Liberal National Party (LNP) premier said credit should go to Labor Premier Anna Bligh, who he defeated in a landslide victory in 2012. Mr Newman said Ms Bligh had signed a national partnership agreement, which has seen kindergarten attendance in Queensland grow from about 45 per cent during her tenure to “mid-90 per cent attendance”. “If you put more effort into the early years, you get better results,” Mr Newman told Fairfax Radio. “I knew you’d be surprised, but I do pay that sort of tribute to Premier Bligh for that initiative.” Mr Newman said he has also written a “pushy” letter to Prime Minister Tony Abbott who, despite sharing his political allegiances, hasn’t guaranteed funding for the initiative beyond 2015. “Frankly, what we’re seeing in this issue is not good enough,” he said. Mr Newman said he would welcome Mr Abbott joining him on the campaign trail during next year’s state election. “If he’s here and he wants to come around, fine,” he said. But he said he would “stand up for Queensland” against the federal government if needed. Several political commentators, including former premier Jeff Kennett, have blamed the unpopular Abbott government for the Liberals losing the recent Victorian state election.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 02:25:12 +0000

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