CAN I JUST VENT??? Just finished talking to a friend of mine going - TopicsExpress


CAN I JUST VENT??? Just finished talking to a friend of mine going through a tough time and now making me do some thinking about these things for myself. I told her what she is dealing with is called “emotional manipulation.” I hate that she is a target toward this cause she is such a kind person but these types of people know their target and actually groom them for the manipulation. I told her that it is important for her to keep her values and ethics despite the fact that they will agree on all issues. In addition, everyone no matter who you are will use some type of emotional manipulation to obtain something. I think that is just part of human nature, however; it is when a person does this on a consistent basis that the relationship can become toxic. I have many acquaintances, multiple friendships, but those who are my core friends they are very few. I do have things that I believe in and stand firm on it. Those who know me best know that I am not the most angelic Christian on the planet but I am one who strives to be the way God wants me. I fall on my face often (best position to pray) and I have foot in mouth disease (many times not knowing it is there) but I still try. If I stand up to you and tell you I don’t like something you said or did, it is because I feel safe enough to tell you so. Why is it when you stand up to people and tell them how you feel or even say no to them they see you as being insensitive and cruel, yet they can say things to try to lay on guilt trips, pity, and tag you as their emotional manipulation target but that is not insensitive or cruel. It reminds me of Eeyor, ( the donkey pooh side kick) “oh don’t mind me…no body else does” These types of comments made in order for people to feel or respond in a rescue way only to hear more negative comments..”Oh, it’s nothing, I know your too busy for me” Really? Take it from the scriptures, you have not because you ask not... Just spit it out “Hey, I am feeling lonely tonight do you have a minute to talk?” Take the risk. They may really be busy but just ask “when would be a good time?” What’s the worst that could happen? OH DEAR you may have to be told NO! Whaa, get a grip and get over it already… oops sorry was that INSENSITIVE??
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 09:09:51 +0000

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