CAPE-2 - TopicsExpress


CAPE-2 について CQ誌今月号のAPRSマンスリーレポートにAPRS衛星(ISS)について執筆しましたが(来月号は続編)、ISS以外にもAPRSで利用できる衛星があります。以下はその中のひとつ「CAPEII」に関するAPRS-WGのアナウンスです。 ----------- From: Robert Bruninga [email protected] [APRS] Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2014 23:19:29 -0400 Subject: [APRS] APRS Satellite in orbit ----------- The APRS capable cubesatCAPEII is underutilized and only has limited time remaining on orbit. The University of Louisiana says users are welcome: CAPE II operates on 145.825 MHz with a CW beacon with the callsign W5UL, it also includes a digipeater, text to speech operation, a simplex repeater,email and tweet functions. The ground station software can be downloaded from Unfortunately, its battery is dead, so it only works on daytime orbits.But the text-to-speech is on all the time, though the digipeater is not. I have not operated it, but am at the SMALLSAT conference and the Uof Lpeople say it is operational and availalbe for use. SO google for info onhow to use it. If you minotor 145.825 you will hear its voice occasionally. Bob, WB4aPR
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 00:46:28 +0000

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