**CATCH REPORT** The dynamic duo Tom Batchelor and Sam Beswick - TopicsExpress


**CATCH REPORT** The dynamic duo Tom Batchelor and Sam Beswick have been out and catching again. Here is their latest catch report, The plan was to have a quick afternoon session down the river trotting for Dace and small species. But we caught some very good chub indeed. My first Chub fell to a bunch of maggots on a size 16 The Hook trotted under a bush which came after catching a large amount of Dace and tiny Barbel. We became suspicious of a chance of a better sized fish when the dace bites dried up and we found ourselves trotting the run without a bite. That was until my float dived under and I hooked a chub of around 2.08lb it was a great fight on light tackle. After this fish Sam and I packed up our gear but we felt that we should try the weir pool upstream as we could see some massive chub under the bridge and felt there could be more along gravel run tailing out from it. I decided to use a size 8 the hook and a large piece of bread. A single AAA shot was pinched a couple of inches from the hook and it was flicked out into the main flow as I watched the bread slowly sink into the depths of the pool and my light float rod bounce with the current it slowly pulled around in shock I tightened up and was in to what felt like a very good sized Chub playing it off a bridge wasnt easy but thankfully Sam ran down and netted it from some reeds. On the bank it looked a good 3lbder so after a quick celebration and a few photos it was released and went and sulked down the marginal reeds. After that we decided to move downstream to a spot that usually produces and after having a long period of tiddler bashing our session drew to an end but before the end Sam hooked what he thought was a snag but it soon became apparent as the rod began to hoop over that something of a greater excitement was on the end and after a hairy fight a pristine specimen Chub was in the net both of us stared at it in shock on the scales it hit 4.12lb which was a bit surprising as both of us thought that it should be a good 5 but it was very empty after spawning so we accepted its weight and it swam back fighting fit. Cheers Tom and Sam Well done guys! Great catch and photos!
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 16:00:01 +0000

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