CATCH THE FIRE….SALVATION PACKAGE – DAY 1 25 AUGUST 2014 VENUE: CITY SPORTS CENTRE, HARARE, ZIMBABWE SPEAKER: APOSTLE T. VUTABWASHE THE SALVATION PACKAGE MAIN SCRIPTURE: REVELATIONS Chapter 5 verse 12 -The theme of this conference is, ‘’ the salvation package’’ -This marks the beginning of CATCH THE FIRE 2014 and I declare 2014 CATCH THE FIRE is apostolically opened!! -You and children, family, business are receiving blessing at this conference! -Salvation is not an exit / escape route from heaven. It is an approval from God for us to dominate this planet earth. In receiving Christ it was not about you running away from the world, but to authenticate you to dominate this earth! Move away from that religious mind, Christ died for you to rule this world. Receive your power to rule in the mighty name of Jesus! -From this moment you shall to your original place, the displacement in your life is coming to an end! Everyone who was displaced from his position by Satan, I reinstate you back to your original position. -Salvation is not escaping from the world; it is running back to you and it shows a high standard of life. -You are going to make it despite any situation! You are going to make it in your marriage! You are going to make it in your business! You are going to make it in your career! In the might name of Jesus! -You are getting the power to regain your position; if you believe in your heart your life is receiving a turnaround! Someone on your position is packing to leave! In the might name of Jesus! -Your enemy is waiting to see you holding your miracle! Today, I decorate your life if you believe!!!! -At this conference I need people who say I did not come as a member but to partake of the salvation package!! -On the 11th chapter (revelations) it is evident that there was a multitude of angels. They were making lots of noise so that everyone will hear about the salvation. -Jesus had to say it is ‘’finished’’, in that word there is your wedding, there is your promotion, there is everything you need in life! -I am going to talk about the listed components of salvation, today I am tackling glory. -Glory is the highest state of honour, and the opposite of glory is shame. Anything that is bringing shame to your life is attacking your glory. I stand out against everything blocking the showing forth of your glory. -There are four things in the Bible which are going to help me define glory 1. Material success and wealth Genesis 31:1 -Laban coming back he found Jacob having taken away all the spotted cattle, Laban’s sons had to report saying Jacob took all the glory. Genesis 45:13 -Joseph had to tell his brothers to tell his father of all the glory in Egypt. This means having wealth is a manifestation of Glory. -Exodus 28:2 -God had to instruct Moses garment to be made for the glory. This means wearing high fashion clothes is also a manifestation of glory. -Moses’s garment was made for glory and beauty. Tonight I beautify you! Tonight I beautify you! -As I stand on this altar I have just changed even the shops from which you buy your clothes. Job 19:9 -Job having lost everything had to complain being stripped off his glory. -This night I declare! Receive your glory! Receive your glory! -From today everything that make people look down on you! I scrape it away from you!! -The day you are going to drive your first car, it won’t be just a car, but glory! -Before this year ends! Glory! Glory! Glory! Mathew 6:29 -Jesus had to explain the wealth of Solomon glory in the above scripture! -This time I make you an executive in that area! They are going to open doors for you!! -Hearing this kind of word your life cannot remain the same! I invite you into an area of new things in your life!! John 1:14 -When the word that was spoken manifests in your life, it is now glory. When a prophesy that was pronounced upon you is manifesting upon your life it is glory. Whatever good that was said about your life I cause it to manifest. -Imagine yourself in a land cruiser V12, and take your grandpa who had been opposing you and drive around with him. If he cannot agree with you tell him it is all about Jesus. -In this auditorium I see people with a multiple of prophesy upon their lives. -I declare manifestation of your promotion! Of your business! Of you twins! Of your house. If you believe it receive it in the name of Jesus! -When I was talking to the Holy Spirit, I told Him I don’t want my sons to dream again before their dreams they have come into manifestation. Come on celebrate your elevation! -Longevity and beautifulness in scripture is called glory! Proverbs 16:31 -Growing old fearing God is glory but if you grow old in evil that’s trouble! What I mean is you are not dying young! I paralyse every spirit of immature death in your life. Proverbs 20:29 -To be young is glory; young men don’t squander your glory! Spare your glory for the next generation. 3. HAVING A SPIRITUAL VOICE IS GLORY -The glory of children is for their fathers. This means as I am standing I am a manifestation of glory. -The challenge of many people right now is that there are many fatherless people that is not Christianity. They don’t follow instructions! Genesis 31:29 -God does not only know your house, He knows the houses of your enemies too. Today I release the angels of destruction to your enemies’ houses. -Since I started ministry I haven’t killed witches like I am going to do during this conference! Even those big witches that you are so much afraid of, I am not afraid of them! I release an Apostolic Judgement! 1 Samuel 17:55 -I raise giants in this ministry! I ordain you a giant killer!! -If your doubt this anointing then go and ask any witch who Apostle Vutabwashe is. They will tell you that he is dangerous. I can kill them even up to their flies and cockroaches!! -Having a spiritual father means you are heavily protected. -I can guarantee you that the man whose ear was cut off by Peter cannot repeat that again even though his ear was restored back by Jesus. -Every coach in sports is entitled to have a coach. If you have no coach you don’t have a future in playing sport. 4. MIRACLES John 2:11 -To night there is a conversion that is about to take place! This night someone is going to receive his miracle. -There is someone with a stomach problem for 3 years; the Lord has just performed a miracle upon your life. -Some problems came to make the glory in life to show forth! -Your problem is being turned into glory!! Even the instrument being used to rectify your problem is also honoured. This means in your problem there is double glorification. I am also going to receive my portion as you receive yours. If you receive it, jump around! John 11:40 -When Lazarus was dead in the grave he is a dead man, but when he wakes up he is a glory! Everything that is dead in your life I resurrect it in the name of Jesus!! -Glory is affected by one thing which is sin -Who wants to be a partaker of glory???? Stay away from sin. Seven points of accessing glory. 1. Receiving Jesus as your personal saviour -Your next level is not in how long you have stayed in church, it is in whether you are born again. -A lot of people mistake being born again and coming to church, these are two different things! -From today if you are not born again, give your life to Christ!! Colossians 26:7 -Who is that need glory?? The hope of success Thessalonians 2:12 - From this conference I am forcing you to attain your real position in Christ. -Witches are custodians of power, but it is you who fell from you position of glory. -There must know any Christian who should beg, because we were called for glory. -Why you are here is because you are coming for your glory. 2 Peter 1:3 -You are not called to shame, you are called to glory!! You are not called to add numbers to churches, you are called to glory 2 Spiritual focus -Most people as they get into church they forget what they came for. Psalm 34:5 2 Corinthians 3:18 -Tonight we all are beholding the glory of the Lord! -From tonight you are moving to a new address! 3 Revelation -The glory is revealed! May you receive that revelation of glory in the name of Jesus. Jeremiah 9:23 -Whosoever who wants glory must know and understand Jesus! -If you know and understand Jesus, you receive boldness. -Glory produces supernatural supplies. -Glory is access to abundance. Doors and gates respond to glory! -There are doors called everlasting doors. When glory shows up, even the everlasting doors open up! -Today you are going to witness doors opening before you. If you believe tonight your door has been opened!! -There is someone who is called a gate, someone who changes things for you, but the scripture is saying lift ye all gates! Everyone closing any door for you I am giving him two options, to open that gate for you or to die. -Being called an Apostle is not a tittle; it is an embodiment of battles! Today everyone standing on your door, I push! You are going to wed, I push! I push! I push! you are going to have your own house, I push! -This year Satan is in trouble, 2014 is your year!! 2014 is your year!! 2014 is your year! -Arrows of fire are flying from this altar to your village! That which is dying! He is going to die; no weapon formed against you shall prosper!! Psalm 19:1 -When the heavens have declared the earth has no right to oppose. When I have declared things as a man of God, no witch has the power to oppose! -It’s too late for the devil to keep you barren! Micah 7:10 -Your promotion is coming. -Everyone who is your enemy shall see it, and shame shall cover your enemies and your eyes are going to see it. Job 8:22 -Shame shall cover the dwelling place of all your enemies, those came out clear and those that did not. Psalm 40:14 -Everyone who is wishing you evil is being brought to shame!! -Everyone who said Aha to you is being brought to shame!! In the name of Jesus! Jeremiah 20:11 -Your enemies are entering into an era of everlasting confusion! I cause them to enter into permanent confusion and permanent division. Zephaniah 3:19 -In every area you received shame; you are going to shine in that place! -God is saying I will make you a name. I evocate and deploy angels to market your name!! -You will never be put to shame -Whatever you are doing glory shall get you up. Life your hands, start to worship. NaJesu Zvinoita ! NaJesu Tinoenda Kure!
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 14:30:49 +0000

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