CBSE board 2014 Physics review – Paper had several unexpected - TopicsExpress


CBSE board 2014 Physics review – Paper had several unexpected Questions According to most of the students CBSE board exam 2014, physics paper was very tough that was held yesterday (5th Mar 2014). Specially Numerical part was very difficult as compared to last year. However most of the teachers don’t agree with this statement. I would not say the paper was difficulty but it was unfamiliar experience for the students as papers in the previous years were in different tone and more aligned to textbooks.” “The paper had several unexpected questions and the class XII board papers is a career defining paper in terms of admission. Perhaps the anxiety of writing board examination contributed to the situation. The students might have been able to answer the paper better in class,” added DAV Bariatu Principal Divya Singh. Students response “I also wrote the exam today.. It was the hardest one ive ever faced. I went with high expectations, but now i think i wont even get 40 with grace marks.. Most of the 2-3 marks questions were new, indirect. We were told to focus on many important topics, but only very few(last 4 Questions) were asked. I saw many in tears. Im also wondering whether il pass in physics. My practicals mark will be 26 or 27(i dont know) Does the physics exam have two cut-off mark( like 40% in 70 and 40% in 30(pract).. or is it just that you have to score 40 (altogether) ?” “Yes i gave the exam too and found it to be quite difficult. Some questions were tricky while a few were not from the ncert book. It was lengthy as well. Better hope for lenient checking…” “My Paper went blundered too and Im in the same situation as you… NEED LENIENT MARKING AMD GRACE TOO” “I also wrote the exam today I did not know many of the 1 mark questions. 5 mark questions were easy . I think(I hope) correction would be lenient Hope I would get around 50/70″ “It wasn’t tough it was ******* long!!!!! I would given anything for more half an hour. Though I completed my paper it is mostly in bad handwriting and in a hurry. Anyway what I think is even if cbse wants to tourture us they can set tough tricky papers. Why the hell would they set a long paper which an average child cannot complete. Now think about chemistry, bro I am sure you’ll do well . Since physics was tough chem should be relatively easier (I just hope). So don’t worry, what’s gone is gone now try to make up for it in other papers.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 04:45:37 +0000

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