CHAMPIONS 4 EVERYDAY LIFE 30/01/14 WHAT EVERY BODY NEEDS TO KNOW ABOUT LIFE... READ THE TRUE LIFE STORY OF THE FIRE INCIDENCE Life gives you a choice either to respond or react to things. In December 1914, spontaneous combustion had broken out in Mr Edisons film laboratory. Within some few minutes all the packing compounds, celluloid for records and film, and other flammable goods were in flames. Fire companies from eight surrounding towns arrived, but the heat was so intense and the water pressure so low that the attempt to douse the flames was futile. Everything was destroyed and the man who owns the shop was 67 years as of that time. All the asset of Edison was in flames and the damage according to reports exceeded two million dollars as of 1914(That should be close to a billion dollars now). Charles the son of Edison cried to his father and said: Dad everything is gone. When Edison saw his son, he shouted , Charles wheres your mother? He then said further, find her, bring her here because she will never see anything like this as long as she lives. The next morning Thomas Edison looked at the ruins and said, Theres great value in disaster. All our mistakes are burned up. Thank God we can start anew. Three weeks after the fire, Edison produced the first phonograph for recording sound. WHAT A SPIRIT, WHAT AN ATTITUDE. Please ask yourself if I were Edison, what would have been my attitude? Would you have considered God a wicked God who allowed such thing to happen to you, probably you would have left church and give up your faith or would you have said that the witches and wizard are fighting you...What would you have done???THINK ABOUT THIS AND DONT MISS TOMORROWS DEVOTIONAL AS WE HEAR THE WORDS OF EDISION ABOUT THIS INCIDENCE. Heaven is real, live your life with that consciousness. Forward and share with friends. Invite them to our group on facebook. Simply search for CHAMPIONS 4 EVERYDAY LIFE DEVOTIONALS to join. Have a wonderful day.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 04:39:55 +0000

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