CHAPTER NINETY-FOUR MIRACLE AT THREE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-NINTH STREET Copyrights by Jes Fuhrmann 2013 All rights reserved “You okay, Mommy?” I softly ask, joining Honey upstairs in the man cave as she sits alone in the quiet room reflecting on the miraculous events of my life. “Are you alright? I mean, you seem out of sorts.” I fret with concern. “Is there something wrong? Did I do something to upset you? Is it Daddy? It’s Daddy, isn’t it?” I muse, assuming the worst. “Is he leaving us again?” I worry, approaching her slowly as she reaches down to collect me. “I really don’t know, Pearlybird. With Kurt, it’s like one minute at a time, never knowing what’s going to happen next.” She frowns as I struggle to stay focused on the present. “Don’t worry about the past, it’s only a shadow wanting to follow you under the brilliance of the sun.” I smile. “And the future is only the moon, still glowing in honor of the sun.” I reflect. “Live in the moment and embrace where life takes you.” I wink as the sun rises high upon us, leaving a glimmer of hope without a shadow of despair as she casts her eyes aside. “What do you mean?” she asks, furrowing her dark brow. Get your fire back. Its not over until God says its over. Start believing again. Start dreaming again. Start pursuing what God put in your heart. I encourage as the steam inside her grows. “What do you mean?” she asks, furrowing her dark brow. Get your fire back. Its not over until God says its over. Start believing again. Start dreaming again. Start pursuing what God put in your heart. I encourage as the steam inside her grows. “YOU READY TO GO YET?” she hollers, shutting the door to the man cave as we descend the stairs talon-in-hand. “I WAS WAITING FOR YOU!” Daddy shouts in defense as I roll my eyes at the awkward way humans communicate. “Are we going somewhere?” I blink, looking downward at my attire as I debate on a fresh costume. “Should I change?” I hesitate, wanting to fit in with the local fare. “Does this feather make me look phat?” I giggle, mocking the trivial matter. Illustration by Daisy Timonan https://youcaring/manage-fundraiser.aspx?frid=261101 Thank you for caring and paying it forward by sharing! Respectfully yours, Jes Führmann, author The Diary of Pink Pearl, A Birds Eye View” and The Diary of Pink Pearl Continues: Im Wide Awake and Born Again! (First trilogy and quadrilogy of a three part series about a Moluccan cockatoo and the adventures of Pink Pearl’s Parrot Rescue.) Why did it take so long to save an endangered animal?) ebookstand/result_search.php?key_word=pearl&sel_choice=keyword&btn_search=Search, You can also read brief trailers and view videos about my three part series at companionbirdworld/CONTRIBUTORS/JES%20FUHRMANN_FILES/JES%20FUHRMANN%20LANDING%20PAGE.htm
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 04:33:45 +0000

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